Our Leadership

The two offices of leadership described in the Bible are elders and deacons.

God has placed elders as leaders over his church. When the Bible speaks of pastors, elders, and overseers in the church, the same office is being described. The task of these men is to shepherd (i.e., pastor), oversee, and teach the church (1 Peter 5:1-2). The elders are the qualified (1 Tim 3:1-13, Titus 1:6-9), exemplary (1 Peter 5:3), Spirit-appointed (Acts 20:28), leaders in the church. The pastors/elders at Grace Bible Church share leadership responsibility; all elder decisions are made with unanimity.

If you have any questions regarding the leadership of Grace Bible Church, please email us at [email protected] or visit our contact page.

Deacons are the servant layer of leadership in the church. They are qualified men (1 Tim 3:8-13) serving the church to meet a specific task in order to free the elders to devote themselves to prayer and the ministry of the Word (Acts 6:4). The following are the deacons, the servant leadership, of Grace Bible Church.

Support Staff

The majority of ministry work at Grace Bible Church happens through the volunteer efforts of those in the body. However, there are a few paid staff who work in our offices at the direction of the elders to assist in ongoing needs.

Kris Drent

Director of Music Ministry

Jackson Kennedy

Facilities Manager

Kyle Frazey

Student Ministries & Finances

Rachel York

Administrative Ministry Assistant

Melissa James

Administrative Ministry Assistant

Recent Blog Posts

Announcements: 07-28-24

New to Grace Bible Church? If you are newer to GBC and would like to learn more about what the church believes and practices as well as interact with the elder leadership, please email ([email protected]) or call the office 480.968.6085. Looking for a Place to Serve or...

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