Christian Duty

Tom Angstead January 28, 2012

In my preparation for bible study on Romans 12:9 I read this quote by John MacArthur and thought I would pass it on.


Christian duty begins with a pure love, and a hatred of evil, and a commitment to practice good.  So, if you sense a love for God’s people and want to reach out to those who are in need, that is an indication that you’re moving along the path of Christian duty.  And if you can identify with the struggle of the Apostle Paul and say, “Yes, I want to cling to what is good even though I don’t always do it.  I too hate what is evil,” then you’re moving in the right path.  All you need to do is keep on that path out of gratitude for what the Lord has done for you.  This is what Paul is saying in Romans 12:1” “On the basis of the mercies of God, present your body to God as a living sacrifice.  Start loving to your fullest capacity by the power of the Spirit, and start hating what is evil, while clinging tightly to what is good.”  Don’t ever let yourself be contaminated by what is evil.  Live your whole life with a sense of fear, lest you get too close to evil, which will leave its destructive mark on your life.