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The Only Valid Reason to Get Up In The Morning

Tom Angstead May 15, 2014

Mark records Jesus’ words this way: “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!” Mark 1:15


“It is tempting to think that this is merely Jesus’ way of introducing himself, but his announcement in more that that.  It gives all of us who endure the harsh realities of the Fall the only valid reason to get up in the morning.  It offers hope that is wonderfully practical and intensely personal.”

Paul Tripp

Instruments In The Redeemers Hands


How about you?  Mark 1:15?  Do you consider the truth of these words the only valid reason to get up in the morning?



Lord I desire that every morning my first thought would be my response to the gospel realities in my life.  Lord thank you for giving me another day to repent and believe.