NOLA Update (January 2022)

Omri Miles January 4, 2022

Some of our core team recently took a trip to New Orleans, which, for several on the team, was their first time ever visiting the city. I updated the church during Equipping Hour about how our core team has been preparing since July 2021. This was a good opportunity to share which members of our body have been prayerfully considering this work, what we’ve been doing when we gather each month, and more about our trip in December.

If you want to find out about those details, you can watch and/or listen to the Equipping Hour lesson here.

Lagniappe* — Drago’s charbroiled oysters

For more information, see our missions page and our page for the New Orleans church plant.




*Lagniappe (pronounced “lan-yap”) means “a little something extra.” It is a word derived from the convergence of Louisiana’s early French and Spanish cultures.