Posts by category
- Psalm 22
- Revelation 17:14-18 - Mystery Babylon (Part 4)
- Psalm 21
- Revelation 17:7-14 - Mystery Babylon (Part 3)
- Missionary Update: Mollica Family
- Psalm 20
- Revelation 17:6-7 - Mystery Babylon (Part 2)
- Revelation 17:1-5 - Mystery Babylon (Part 1)
- Psalm 19
- Loving The Difficult
- Otherworldliness
- Good News of Great Joy
- The Greatness of Jesus Christ
- Baptism & Membership - 12/15/24
- Psalm 18
- Worldliness
- Psalm 17
- Revelation 16:17-21 The Demolition of the World
- Psalm 16
- Revelation 16:13-16 That Time When Frog-Demons Convince the Whole World It's A Good Idea To Kill Jesus... Again
- Revelation 16:1-12 The Point of No Return
- 1 Peter 5:10-11 Our Hope in Affliction
- Psalm 15
- Psalm 14
- Revelation 15:5-8 When Justice Rolls Up Its Sleeves
- Revelation 15:1-4 Prelude to the End
- Psalm 13
- Bible Q&A
- Revelation 14:14-20 Ripe For Harvest
- Psalm 12
- Revelation 14:6-13 The End Is Near
- Psalm 11
- Revelation 14:1-5 The 144k
- Revelation 13:11-18 The False Prophet and the Mark of the Beast
- Psalm 10
- Psalm 9
- Revelation 13:7-10 Overcome by the Darkness
- Revelation 13:1-6 The Man of the Hour
- Psalm 8
- TES Sunday
- Revelation 12:13-17 The Worst Is Yet To Come
- Psalm 7
- Psalm 6
- Revelation 12:7-12 - War In Heaven
- Psalm 5
- Revelation 12:1-6 - The World Is Not As It Seems pt 2
- Revelation 12:1-6 - The World Is Not As It Seems
- Q&A
- Zechariah 14 - The Final Word
- Psalm 4
- Psalm 3
- Zechariah 13 - A Purified Possession
- Psalm 2
- Zechariah 12 - Rescue and Repentance
- Psalm 1
- Zechariah 11 - The Cost of Rejection
- Zechariah 10 - Accept No Substitute
- Matthew 5:13-16 - You Are Salt & Light
- Zechariah 9 - The End and the Means
- Matthew 5:1-12 - The Beatitudes
- Zechariah 7-8 - Perfect Worship
- Philippians 2:17-18 - An Example Of A Joyful Offering
- Revelation
- Zechariah 5:5-6:16 - A Basket, Chariots and a Crown
- Zechariah 4:1-5:4 - Light and Judgment
- Jude
- Zechariah 2-3 - Restoration and Majesty
- Zechariah 1:1-21 - The Foundation of Blessing
- 3 John
- 2 John
- TES Graduate Recognition
- Introduction to Zechariah
- Psalm 119:73-80 - Prayer Amidst Affliction
- 1 John
- Revelation 11:15-19 - The Seventh Trumpet
- 2 Peter
- Baptism & Membership - 4/21/24
- 1 Peter
- Revelation 11:1-14 - Two Witnesses
- James
- Revelation 10:8-11 -The Good News / Bad News of the Good News
- Hebrews
- John 5:24 - Risen! and Believable
- Luke 19:27-28 - Good Friday
- Revelation 10:1-7 - Anticipating the Turn
- Philemon
- Titus
- Ephesians 6:1-4 - The Christian Home (Part 3): Parents & Children
- 2 Timothy
- Ephesians 5:25-33 - The Christian Home (Part 2) Husbands
- 1 Timothy
- Ephesians 5:22-24 - The Christian Home (Part 1) Wives
- Revelation 9:20-21 - Exposing Idolatry
- 2 Thessalonians
- Revelation 9:13-21 - The Sixth Trumpet
- 1 Thessalonians
- Colossians
- Revelation 9:1-12 - The Fifth Trumpet
- Philippians
- Revelation 8:7-13 - Four Trumpets and an Eagle
- Revelation 8:1-6 - The Seventh Seal
- Ephesians
- Revelation 7:9-17, part 2 - Mercy in the Midst of Wrath
- Galatians
- Revelation 7:9-17, part 1 - Mercy in the Midst of Wrath
- 2 Corinthians
- Revelation 7:1-8 - The 144,000
- 1 Corinthians
- Matthew 16:21-28 - This Is The Way
- Christmas Eve Service - John 3:16
- Christmas Service - Hebrews 1:1-3 - What Child Is This?
- Romans
- Revelation 6:12-17 - The Very Worst Natural Disaster
- Acts
- Revelation 6:9-11 - The Fifth Seal
- John
- Baptism & Membership - 12/03/2023
- Luke
- Revelation 6:1-8 - The Four Horsemen
- Mark
- Various Scriptures - The Day Of The Lord, part 2
- Matthew
- Ezekiel 20:33-49 - The Day Of The Lord, part 1
- Malachi
- Ephesians 2:19-22 - Saved to be Built Up Together
- Zechariah
- NOLA Send-Off
- 2 Timothy 2:1 - Be Strong in the Grace
- Haggai
- 1 Timothy 6:21b - Grace Be With Y'all
- Haggai 2:10-23 - A Promise And A Plan
- Zephaniah
- Habakkuk
- Haggai 2:1-9 - Present Power and Future Glory
- Haggai 1:12-15 — The Word Heeded
- Nahum
- Micah
- Haggai 1:1-11 - The Word Heralded
- Jonah
- Haggai - Prioritizing God's Presence and Promises
- Obadiah
- 2 Peter 2 - Beware False Teachers
- Amos
- Miscellaneous Scriptures - Smallgroups at GBC
- Joel
- Revelation 5:11-14 - The Song That All Will Sing
- Hosea
- Psalm 78:1-8 - A Generation Yet To Be Born
- Daniel
- TES Sunday - Various Scriptures - Training Men in the Local Church.
- Ezekiel
- Revelation 5:7-10 - At Long Last
- Lamentations
- Revelation 5:6 - Worthy is The Lion
- Jeremiah
- Revelation 5:1-5 - The Scroll from the Throne, part 2
- Isaiah
- Revelation 5:1-5, part 1 - The Scroll from the Throne
- Revelation 4:1-11 - Worship: The Universal Obligation of Creation, part 2
- Song of Solomon
- Revelation 4:1-11 - Worship: The Universal Obligation of Creation and the Particular Privilege of the Redeemed, part 1
- Ecclesiastes
- Proverbs
- Revelation 2-3 - How Are You Doing? Taking Personal Inventory
- Psalms
- Ephesians 5:1-2 - Walk in Love
- Job - Enduring Suffering With Faith
- Revelation 3:14-22 - Worse Than Worthless
- Esther
- Philippians 4:6-7 - Do Not Be Anxious!
- Revelation 3:7-13 - Solid in a Shaky World
- Nehemiah
- Ezra
- Ephesians 6:14-17 - Six Fortifications for the Courageous Soldier in the Lord's Army
- 2 Chronicles
- Revelation 3:1-6 - Dead
- 1 Chronicles
- Revelation 2:18-29 - The Tolerant Church
- 2 Kings
- Psalm 131 - David's Solution to Incapacitating Worry
- Revelation 2:12-17 - Comfortable with Compromise
- 1 Kings
- Revelation 2:8-11 - Faithful under Fire
- 2 Samuel
- Acts 2:22-36 - Jesus, The Lord and Christ of God
- Galatians 2:20-21 - Good Friday
- Revelation 2:1-7 - The Church That Left Its Love
- 1 Samuel
- Ruth
- Baptism & Membership - 3/26/2023
- Judges
- Isaiah 50:4-11 - An Impeccable Life of Faith
- Revelation 1:17-20 - The Glory of Christ, part 2
- Joshua
- Deuteronomy
- Revelation 1:12-16 - The Glory of Christ
- Numbers
- Revelation 1:9-11 - The Composition
- Revelation 1:4-8 - The Address
- Leviticus
- Revelation 1:1-3 - The Unveiling
- Exodus
- Revelation and various Scriptures - The Earthly Reign of Jesus the Messiah
- Genesis
- The Bible. An Introduction to 66 Books
- Introduction to the Book of Revelation
- Israel Report, part 2
- Titus 3:10-11 - Caring for Each Other in the Body of Christ, part 7: Your Role in Diffusing Factions
- Israel Then, Now, and Then
- 2 Corinthians 2:5-11 - Caring for Each Other in the Body of Christ, part 6: Your Role in Discipline Restoration
- Matthew 18:15-20 - Caring for Each Other in the Body of Christ, part 5: Your Role in Church Discipline
- Zephaniah 3:14-20 - Rejoicing in the Day of the LORD
- Philippians 2:12-13 - Divinely Enabled Working
- Esther
- Psalm 2 - The King of Christmas
- Christmas Eve Service
- Zephaniah 3:8-13 - Waiting on the Day of the LORD
- 2 Timothy 2:24-26 - Caring for Each Other in the Body of Christ, part 4; Your Character for Church Challenges
- Zephaniah 3:1-7 - Judgement Justified
- Galatians 6:1-3 - Caring for Each Other in the Body of Christ, part 3: Your Heart for Spiritual Restoration
- Zephaniah 2:4-15 - Reasons to Lay Hold of Humility
- Hebrews 10:23-27 - Caring for Each Other in the Body of Christ, part 2, continued: Your Brother’s Keeper
- Zephaniah 2:1-3 - The Escape from the Day of the LORD
- Hebrews 10:23-27 - Caring for Each Other in the Body of Christ, part 2: Your Brother’s Keeper
- Zephaniah 1:14-18 - The Greatness of the Day of the LORD
- Ephesians 4:16 - Caring for Each Other in the Body of Christ, part 1: Your Part in the Health and Growth of the Church
- Zephaniah 1:7-13 - Two Responses to the Day of the LORD
- John 10:37-42 - Three Witnesses
- Parenting Elder Q&A
- Matthew 28:19-20a & 2 Timothy 2:2 - Training Shepherds
- Zephaniah 1:1-6 - Introducing the Day of the LORD
- Ephesians 1:19-23 - Three Fortifying Demonstrations of the Power of God
- Introduction to Zephaniah
- Ephesians 1:15-19 - 3 Patterns of Life for the Maturing Christian
- Isaiah 6:1-7 - The Holy One of Israel
- John 10:31-36 - Who Is on Trial Here?
- Matthew 6:9-13
- John 10:22-30 - More Than They Asked For
- James 3:1-12 - A Warning for Those with Words
- John 10:19-21 - Schismatic Savior
- Psalm 46 - Strategies for Making God Our Refuge
- John 10:16-18 - The Astounding Claims of the Good Shepherd
- Genesis 45:1-8a - Grounded in God's Providence
- Matthew 28:16-20 - Doing Missions Biblically
- Lessons from the Canyon
- John 10:11-15 - The Good Shepherd
- Daniel 12:5-13 - Closing Q&A
- John 10:7-10 - The Door
- Daniel 12:1-4 - The End of an Era
- John 10:1-6 - The Good Shepherd and an Exodus
- Daniel 11:36-45 - The Antichrist
- John 10 Introduction - The Good Shepherd
- 2 Chronicles 20:1-30 - Prayer...Or Despair
- 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 - What Time Is It?
- Daniel 11:21-35 - The Ante-Anti-Christ
- 2 Corinthians 5:21 - Seeing with the Eyes of Heaven, Part7 — Message
- Daniel 11:2-20 - Daniel's Last Vision, Part 1
- 2 Corinthians 5:18-20 - Seeing with the Eyes of Heaven, Part 6 — Business
- Hebrews 11:32-38 - By Faith Not By Sight
- Acts 17:1-9 - Four Requirements for Revival
- Philippians 3:20-21 - 3 Reminders that a Christian Is a Citizen of a Place He's Never Been
- 2 Corinthians 5:16-17 - Seeing with the Eyes of Heaven, Part 5 — People
- 1 Corinthians 16:8-9 - Gospel Opportunities and Gospel Opposition
- Revelation 20:1-6 - The End and the Beginning
- Daniel 10:1-11:1 - Daniel's Last Vision
- 2 Corinthians 5:11-15 - Seeing with the Eyes of Heaven, Part 4 — Motivation
- Daniel 9:24-27 - God's Help for Israel
- 2 Corinthians 5:9-10 - Seeing with the Eyes of Heaven, Part 3 — Goal
- ICR - Our Young Universe
- ICR - How Creatures Adapt
- Various Scriptures - Genesis Matters
- ICR - Evidences of a Global Catastrophic Flood
- Daniel 9:20-24 - God Answers Daniel's Prayer
- 2 Corinthians 5:1-8 - Seeing with the Eyes of Heaven, Part 2 - Home
- Revelation 19:11-21 - The Coming of the King
- Proverbs 2 - The Rewards of Heeding God's Wisdom
- Daniel 9:11-19 - Daniel's Timely Prayer (Part 3)
- 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 - Seeing with the Eyes of Heaven, Part 1 - Affliction
- 1 Thessalonians 5:26 - The Holy Kiss
- Mark 7:24-30 - Defiled and Defenseless
- 2 Peter 1 - Recall These Things
- Psalm 16
- Daniel 9:4-10 - Daniel's Timely Prayer (Part 2)
- Mark 7:1-23 - Human Religion and Man’s True Problem (part 2)
- Daniel 9:1-3 - Daniel's Timely Prayer (Part 1)
- Mark 7:1-23 (part 1) - Human Religion and the Defiled Heart
- Gilbert Bible Church Send-Off Prayer Service
- Acts 11:19-30 - Sending Out
- Various Scriptures - Because He Rose
- Luke 22:39-46 - Why Is this Friday Good?
- Quarterly Q&A - April 10, 2022
- Mark 6:45-56 - Spiritual Insight Comes from Embracing Jesus’ Identity
- Daniel 8:15-27 - The Ram and the Goat, Revealed (Part 2)
- Baptism & Membership 04/03/2022
- Daniel 8:15-27 - The Ram and the Goat, Revealed (Part 1)
- Mark 6:31-44 - Sheep without a Shepherd
- Psalm 95 - 3 Distinctives of Worship That God Approves
- Zephaniah 2:1-3 - The Sincerity That Hides on the Day of the LORD
- Isaiah 40 - Waiting on the Incomparable God of the Bible
- Mark 6:6b-30 - The Cost of Evangelism
- Daniel 8:1-14 - The Ram and the Goat
- Ezra 7-9 - Finding Favor with God
- Daniel 7:15-28
- Mark 6:1-6a - The Shocking Reality of Unbelief
- Baptism 2/27/22
- Various Scriptures - The Theology of Contentment
- Mark 5:21-43 - Responding to Jesus’ Power & Authority—Faith or Fear?
- Daniel 7:13-14 - The Good News of the Kingdom
- Mark 5:1-20 - Power over Demons
- Daniel 7:9-12 - A Comforting Interlude
- Mark 4:35-41 - Faith or Fear?
- Mark 4:30-34 - The Mustard Seed Principle of Kingdom Arrival
- Daniel 7:1-8 - The Beastly Future of Human Governments
- Daniel 6:16-28 - Daniel to the Den of Lions (Part 2)
- Mark 4:26-29 - Building the Self-Building Kingdom
- Daniel 6:1-15 - Daniel to the Den of Lions (Part 1)
- Various Passages - Raising the Bar on Listening Well
- Elder Questions & Answers
- Mark 4:21-25 - Watch What You Hear!
- Jeremiah 38:14-28 - The Tragedy of Unbelief
- 1 Timothy 6:1-2 - Instructions for Slaves
- Daniel 5:13-31 - When God Stops the Party (Part 2)
- Mark 4:1-20 - The Parable of the Soils—Part 2: The State of the Heart Address
- Christmas Eve Service
- Matthew 2:1-12 - Clarity for Christmas
- Daniel 5:1-12 - When God Stops the Party (Part 1)
- Baptism & Membership 12/12/21
- Mark 4:1-20 - The Parable of the Soils - Part 1: The Purpose of Parables
- Psalm 107 - Responding to Search and Rescue
- Daniel 4:28-37 - Pride before a Fall
- Mark 3:20-35 - Are You in Christ’s Family?
- Daniel 4:10-27 - I Have Another Dream (Part 2)
- Mark 3:13-19 - Following Christ
- Daniel 4:1-9 - I Have Another Dream (Part 1)
- Mark 3:7-12 - Fascination and Recognition
- Daniel 3:19-30 - The Miracle on the Plain (Part 2)
- Psalm 121 - Theology for Life
- Genesis 5-8 - God at the End of the World (Part 2)
- Daniel 3:8-18 - The Miracle on the Plain (Part 1)
- Genesis 5-8 - God at the End of the World (Part 1)
- Elder Questions & Answers
- Psalm 119:33-40 - Praying to the God Who is Able
- Daniel 3:1-7 - The King's Action Plan
- Romans 4:16-21 - Flex Faith and Destroy Doubt
- Daniel 2:44-45 - Kingdom Come
- Mark 3:1-6 - Truth Provokes and Polarizes Error
- Mark 2:23-28 - Human Religion “Indicts” Divine Truth
- Daniel 2:36-49 - Rags to Riches
- Mark 2:18-22 - Divine Truth & Human Tradition Do Not Mix
- Daniel 2:19-35 - I Have A Dream (Part 2)
- Daniel 2:1-18 - I Have A Dream (Part 1)
- Mark 2:13-17 - Jesus Only Calls Sin-Sick Souls
- Daniel 1:8-21 - When In Babylon (Part 2)
- Mark 2:1-12 - Authority to Forgive Sins
- Daniel 1:3-7 - When in Babylon (Part 1)
- 2 Timothy 2:20–26 - Your Usefulness is Your Holiness
- Mark 1:40-45 - Christ’s Compassion and Censure
- Daniel 1:1-2 - All Is Lost
- Introduction to Daniel (Part 2)
- Mark 1:29-39 - The Priority of Jesus’ Teaching
- Mark 1:21-28 - The Authority of Jesus’ Teaching
- Introduction to Daniel (Part 1)
- Elder Questions & Answers
- Mark 1:16-20 - Entering Jesus’ Seminary
- 1 Timothy 3:14-16 - What God's Household Must Know
- Matthew 16:13-20, Acts 4:32-5:16, Acts 11:19-26 - How Christ Builds His Church
- Selected Scriptures - Sending Out!
- Ephesians 4:11-16 - The Church: God’s Blueprint
- Selected Scriptures - Glory, Gospel, Church, World.
- Psalm 51:10-19 - Living Out Repentance and Faith (Part 2)
- Psalm 51:1-9 - Living Out Repentance and Faith (Part 1)
- Mark 1:14-15 - The Good News about God
- Mark 1:9-13 - Jesus Identifies with Us
- PNG and Cann Family Update
- Sunday Evening May 23 - Do Dinosaurs Support Evolutionary Theory? - The Flood
- Mark 1:1-8 - Repent and Follow Christ
- 1 Peter 1:3-9 - Praising God in all Things
- Isaiah 40:1-11- Introduction to Mark (Part 3)
- Malachi 3:1; Exodus 23 - Introduction to Mark (Part 2)
- Mark - Introduction to Mark (Part 1)
- Church Membership 04/18/21
- 20th Anniversary - Testimony of God's Kindness
- 20th Anniversary - History of Grace Bible Church
- Baptism Explained 04/18/21
- The Divine Provisions of a Good God (Part 3): The Divine Provision of the Hope of Eternity
- John 10:17-18 - Four Divine Qualities Highlighted by Jesus’ Death and Resurrection
- John 18-19 - Truth on Trial
- The Divine Provisions of a Good God (Part 2): The Divine Provision of the Body of Christ
- The Divine Provisions of a Good God (Part 1): The Divine Provision of the Word of God
- Romans 16:21-27 - Greetings and Glory
- Sunday March 7 Sermon
- Romans 16:19-20 - Doing Well...
- Romans 16:17-18 - A Clear and Present Danger
- Romans 16:1-16 - Greetings!
- Romans 15:30-33 - Enlisting Help for the Journey
- Romans 15:22-29 - Travel Plans
- Romans 15:15-21 - ...And Beyond!
- Galatians 1:10 - Slaves of Christ Don’t Tolerate Error
- Romans 15:14 - Competent to Counsel
- Romans 15:7-13 - Preferring Each Other in Matters of Preference (Part 6)
- Romans 15:1-6 - Preferring Each Other in Matters of Preference (Part 5)
- Christmas Eve Service
- Matthew 25:1-30 - Living In Light of Christmas
- Baptism Explained 12/13/20
- Church Membership 12/13/20
- Romans 14:19-23 - Preferring Each Other in Matters of Preference (Part 4)
- 2 Corinthians 2:14-17 - Thank God Even When Fruit is Unseen
- Romans 14:13-18 - Preferring Each Other in Matters of Preference (Part 3)
- Romans 14:5-12 - Preferring Each Other in Matters of Preference (Part 2)
- Romans 14:1-4 - Preferring Each Other in Matters of Preference (Part 1)
- Romans 13:11-14 - Sleeping As the Day Dawns?
- Acts 20:17-38 - An Emotional Send-Off
- Romans 5:12-18 - The Intrusion and Demolition of Death
- Missions Sunday
- Colossians 4:7-18 - God’s Instruments for Gospel Ministry
- Colossians 4:2-6 - Critical Priorities for Gospel Progress
- Colossians 3:18-4:1 - The Transformed Home Life of the New Man
- Colossians 3:12-17 - Living in Light of Your Resurrection
- Colossians 3:5-11 - Living in Light of Your Death
- Colossians 3:1-4 - Live for Things Above
- Colossians 2:16-23 - Hold Fast to Christ
- Colossians 2:8-15 - Avoid Spiritual Capture
- Colossians 2:6-7 - Walk in Christ
- Colossians 2:1-5 - The Great Struggle of a Faithful Minister
- Colossians 1:24-29 - A Faithful and Trustworthy Minister
- Psalm 15 - An Anthem for Zion's Citizens
- Colossians 1:15-23 - The Supremacy and Sufficiency of Christ Jesus (part 2)
- Colossians 1:15-23 - The Supremacy and Sufficiency of Christ Jesus (part 1)
- Colossians 1:9-14 - Praying for What Matters Most
- Colossians 1:3-8 - Giving Thanks for What Matters Most
- Colossians 1-4 - Colossians: The Supremacy and Sufficiency of Christ
- Romans 13:8-10 - Love under the Reign of Grace
- 1 Corinthians 11:23-34 - Come Together
- Romans 13:5-7 - The Christian and Government (Part 4)
- Romans 13:1-7 - The Christian and Government (Part 3)
- Romans 13:1-7 - The Christian and Government (Part 2)
- Romans 13:1-7 - The Christian and Government (Part 1)
- Romans 12:17-21 - Leave Room for the Wrath (Part 4)
- John 11- This Sickness Is Not To End in Death
- Philippians 4:4-14 - Stand Firm in Tumultuous Times
- 1 John 3:1-3 - Living in the Father’s Love
- Hebrews 10:32-39 - Persevere in Faith
- Hebrews 10:26-31 - Embrace Jesus as High Priest (Part 2)
- Hebrews 10:19-25 - Embrace Jesus as High Priest (Part 1)
- Romans 12:17-21 - Leave Room for the Wrath (Part 3)
- Romans 12:17-21 - Leave Room for the Wrath (Part 2): A Biblical Survey of the Doctrine of Hell
- Romans 12:17-21 (with Revelation 20:11-15) - Leave Room for the Wrath
- Psalm 130 - From the Depths to the Heights
- Romans 12:14-16 - The Reign of Grace and the Overthrow of the Reign of Self
- Proverbs 30:5-6 - Every Word Flawless
- Romans 12:9-13 - Life in the Body of Christ (Part 5)
- Romans 12:9-13 - Life in the Body of Christ (Part 4)
- Romans 12:9-13 - Life in the Body of Christ (Part 3)
- Romans 12:9-13 - Life in the Body of Christ (Part 2)
- Christmas Eve Service
- 1 Timothy 1:15
- Romans 12:9-13 - Life in the Body of Christ (Part 1)
- Baptism Explained 12/8/19
- Church Membership 12/8/19
- Romans 12:3-8 - The Reign of Grace in Flesh and Blood (Part 3)
- Romans 12:1-2 - The Reign of Grace in Flesh and Blood (Part 2)
- Romans 12:1-2 - The Reign of Grace in Flesh and Blood (Part 1)
- Romans 11:30-36 - Singing at the Summit of Sovereign Mercy
- Romans 11:25-29 - (Audio & Video Not Available)
- Romans 11:17-24 - The Humbling Mercy of God toward Sinners
- Proverbs 3:5-8 - Rely upon the LORD only
- Romans 11:11-16 - The Mercy of God and the Disobedience of Israel
- Romans 11:7-10 - Be Careful What You Wish For!
- Romans 11:1-6 - Can You Break God’s Promises? (Part 2)
- Romans 11:1-6 - Can You Break God’s Promises? (Part 1)
- Romans 10:18-21 - Culpable Unbelief
- Romans 10:11-17 - What Will You Do with the Greatest Offer of All Time?
- Romans 10:5-10 - Two Kinds of Righteousness (Part 2)
- Romans 10:5-10 - Two Kinds of Righteousness (Part 1)
- Psalm 23 - David’s Declarations Under God’s Care (Part 4)
- Psalm 23 - David’s Declarations Under God’s Care (Part 3)
- Psalm 23 - David’s Declarations Under God’s Care (Part 2)
- Psalm 23 - David’s Declarations Under God’s Care (Part 1)
- Romans 10:1-4 - Israel and the Gospel
- Romans 9:30-33 - Good News for Bad People (and Bad News for “Good” People)
- James 5:13-20 - The Fortifying Power of Prayer
- James 5:1-12 - Endure Hardship with Patience
- Romans 9:24-29 - The Grace of God and His Compassion for Sinners (Part 2)
- Romans 9:24-29 - The Grace of God and His Compassion for Sinners (Part 1)
- James 4 - Wage War on Worldliness
- James 3:13-18 - Testing the Claim to Wisdom
- James 3:1-12 - Understanding the Dangers of the Tongue
- 2 Timothy 3:10-4:5 - TES & GBI Sunday
- Matthew 18:15-20 - Church Discipline
- James 2:14-26 - Faith Seen Through Works
- Psalm 110 - An Easter Reflection on an Old Testament Prophecy
- James 2:1-13 - The Perils of Partiality
- James 1:19-27 - Embracing God’s Word
- James 1:1-18 - Joy In Trials
- Church Membership 3/31/19
- Romans 9:19-24 - Is God Fair? (Part 3)
- Romans 9:14-18 - Is God Fair? (Part 2)
- James 1:2-4 - Consider Trials as Pure Joy
- Romans 9:14-18 - Is God Fair?
- Romans 9:6-13 - The Grace of Election
- Romans 9:6a - Has God’s Word Failed?
- 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 - So We Went Together (Part 2)
- Romans 9:1-5 - The Problem of Israel
- Romans 8:35-39 - Secured by Love
- 1 Corinthians 1:4-9 - Constant Thanksgiving
- Romans 8:31-34 - Grace Unmeasured
- Romans 8:28-30 - The Security of Glory and Grace
- Romans 8:28 - When Your Enemies Become Your Friends
- Christmas Eve Service
- 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 - The Foolishness of Christmas
- Church Membership 12/16/18
- Baptism Explained 12/16/18
- Romans 8:26-27 - Help in Prayer
- Romans 8:19-25 - Longing for Glory
- Romans 8:18 - Suffering and Glory
- Update From the Canns in Papua New Guinea
- Romans 8:14-17 - The Privileges of Adoption
- Romans 8:9-14 - Assured by the Spirit
- Romans 8:5-8 - Life in the Flesh (Part 2)
- Romans 8:5-8 - Life in the Flesh (Part 1)
- Romans 8:1-6 - Life in the Spirit
- Romans 8:1 - Uncondemnable
- Revelation 2:1-7 - Love the Savior
- Matthew 18:15-20 - Discipline the Wayward
- 2 Timothy 2:2 - Develop Leaders
- Colossians 1:28-29 - Prioritize People
- 2 Timothy 2:15 - Accurately Handle the Word
- 1 Corinthians 2:1-16 - Embrace the Foolishness (Part 2)
- James 1:13-18 - 5 Corrections to Wrong Thinking About Temptation
- With Lymphoma, Caring for My Heart By Looking to Heaven Through God's Word
- 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 - Embrace the Foolishness (Part 1)
- Exodus 1-18 - Know God
- 1 Corinthians 9:16 - Preach the Gospel
- 1 Timothy 4:6 - Identify Error
- 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 - So We Went Together
- 1 Timothy 3:14-15 - Follow the Script
- Philippians 4:5-7 - The Only Way to True Peace Free From Anxiety
- John 11:25-26 - O, Death, Where Is Your Vocabulary?!
- Romans 7:14-25 - The Vivid Account of Paul’s Discoveries under the Reign of the Law
- Romans 7:7-13 - The Law - Vilified (though Virtuous)
- Romans 7:1-6 - Gospel Confidence Apart from the Law (Part 2)
- Romans 7:1-6 - Gospel Confidence Apart from the Law (Part 1)
- Romans 1-6 - Summary & Pastoral Encouragement
- Philippians 1:21-26 - When Christ is Everything
- Romans 6:20-23 - The Gospel's Second Defense of Grace (Part 5)
- Matthew 28:18-20 - Make Disciples
- Church Membership 4/22/2018
- Baptism Explained 4/22/18
- 2 Corinthians 4:6-7 - Comfort for Clay Jars
- Romans 6:17-19 - The Gospel’s Second Defense of Grace (Part 4)
- 1 Peter 1:3-5 - Alienation, Adoration and Resurrection
- Romans 6:17 - The Gospel’s Second Defense of Grace (Part 3)
- Romans 6:17 - The Gospel's Second Defense of Grace (Part 2)
- Ephesians 4:16 - Grow the Church
- Romans 6:15-16 - The Gospel’s Second Defense of Grace (Part 1)
- Romans 6:12-14 - The Gospel’s First Defense of Grace (Part 6)
- Romans 6:8-11 - The Gospel’s First Defense of Grace (Part 5)
- Romans 6:5-7 - The Gospel’s First Defense of Grace (Part 4)
- Romans 6:4 - The Gospel’s First Defense of Grace (Part 3)
- Romans 6:3-4 - The Gospel’s First Defense of Grace (Part 2)
- Romans 6:1-3a - The Gospel’s Defense of Grace (Part 1)
- Philippians 4:4-5a - Stand Firm in Two Dimensions
- James 1:2-8 - Faith Under Pressure
- Report from Papua New Guinea
- Ephesians 4:11-13 - Equip the Saints
- Luke 2:1-20 - Is Your Christmas Celebration All It Should Be?
- The Role of the Angels at the Birth of the Son
- 1 Peter 5:1-4 - Shepherd the Flock
- Baptism Explained 12/3/17
- Church Membership 12/3/17
- Romans 5:18-21 - Three Stunning Victories of Jesus Christ
- Romans 5:15-17 - Three Striking Contrasts between Adam and Jesus
- Romans 5:12-14 - Startling Realities in Death’s Early Reign
- Romans 5:1-11 - Justification’s First Benefit: Boasting (Part 3)
- Hebrews 3:7-19 - Remedies for Hard-Heartedness
- Romans 5:6-11 - Justification’s First Benefit: Boasting (Part 2)
- 2 Timothy 4:2 - Preach the Word
- Romans 5:1-5 - Justification's First Benefit: Boasting (Part 1)
- Romans 3:21-4:25 - Summary & Pastoral Encouragement
- Jonah 4 - Jonah and the God of Compassion (Part 5)
- Jonah 3 - Jonah and the God of Compassion (Part 4)
- Jonah 1:17-2:10 - Jonah and the God of Compassion (Part 3)
- Jonah 1:4-16 - Jonah and the God of Compassion (Part 2)
- Jonah 1:1-3 - Jonah and the God of Compassion (Part 1)
- Romans 4:18-25 - Old Testament Declarations Regarding Justification (Part 3)
- Romans 4:13-17 - Old Testament Declarations Regarding Justification (Part 2)
- Romans 4:1-12 - Old Testament Declarations Regarding Justification (Part 1)
- Romans 3:27-31 - Three Conclusions from Justification through Faith Alone
- Romans 3:25-26 - God’s Righteous Status for Unrighteous Sinners (Part 4)
- Romans 3:24b-26 - God’s Righteous Status for Unrighteous Sinners (Part 3)
- Romans 3:22b-24a - God’s Righteous Status for Unrighteous Sinners (Part 2)
- Romans 3:21-22a - God’s Righteous Status for Unrighteous Sinners (Part 1)
- John 13:18-30 - The Cleansing of the Disciples: A Betrayer to Remove
- John 13:1-17 - The Cleansing of the Disciples: An Illustration of Spiritual Status and Christian Duty
- Romans 2:1-3:20 - Summary & Pastoral Encouragement
- Romans 3:9-20 - Three Undeniable Verdicts
- Romans 3:1-8 - Five Affirmations that Silence the Antagonist
- Romans 2:25-29 - Eradicating the False Assurances (of the Jewish Hypocritical Moralist) (Part 2)
- Romans 2:17-24 - Eradicating False Assurances (Part 1)
- Baptism Explained 5/7/17
- Church Membership 5/7/17
- Romans 2:12-16 - Five Manifestations of God's Impartial Judgment
- Romans 2:6-11 - The Judgement of God on the Hypocritical Moralist (Part 2)
- Matthew 28 - Five Episodes Triggered by the Empty Tomb
- Romans 2:1-5 - The Judgement of God on the Hypocritical Moralist
- Matt Dodd Testimony: Four Truths to Sustain a Dying Man
- Proverbs 1:20-33 - Fatal Farewells
- Philippians 12:1-18 - Our Best Laid Plans
- Romans 1 - Summary and Pastoral Encouragement
- Romans 1:24-32 - Three Fearful Realities Regarding God's Wrath (Part 2)
- Romans 1:18-23 - Three Fearful Realities Regarding God's Wrath (Part 1)
- Romans 1:16-17 - Five Fortifications Under Eager Gospel Preachers
- Romans 1:8-15 - Three Apostolic Virtues to Endear Missionary Partnership
- Romans 1:1-7 - God's Three Provisions to Sinners for Salvation
- Paul's Letter To The Romans (Part 2)
- Paul's Letter to the Romans (Part 1)
- Romans Resources
- The Vision and Purpose of Grace Bible Church (Part 2)
- The Vision and Purpose of Grace Bible Church
- Matthew 2:1-3 - What Could We Tell Mary and Joseph?
- Hebrews 2:14-18 - What Makes the Incarnation So Amazing?
- An Encore For Ecclesiastes
- Baptism Explained 12/4/16
- Church Membership 12/4/16
- Ecclesiastes 12:9-14 - The End
- Ecclesiastes 12:1-8 - The End Is Near
- Ecclesiastes 11 - Easing the Frustration
- Ecclesiastes 10:1-20 - Wisdom And Folly Under The Sun
- Ecclesiastes 9:11-18 - Sages, Sinners, Success, and the Sovereignty of God
- Ecclesiastes 9:1-10 - The Facts of Life
- Ecclesiastes 8:10-17 - Wisdom's Response to the Inequities of Life
- Ecclesiastes 8:1-9 - Benefits and Limits of Wisdom
- Ecclesiastes 7:23-29 - The Great Disappointment
- Ecclesiastes 7:15-22 - Navigating Life Under The Curse
- 1 Peter 1:10-12 - The Grandeur of our Salvation
- Ecclesiastes 7:1-14 - If You Know What's Good For You
- Ecclesiastes 6 - The Problem with Life
- Ecclesiastes 5:8-20 - The Secret to Happiness in Life
- August 28, 2016: The "Last" Announcement
- 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12 - Prayer and the Body of Christ
- Ecclesiastes 5:1-7 - Instructions For Worship
- Ecclesiastes 4 - Navigating Life In A Fallen World
- Ecclesiastes 3:12-22 - If God Is Sovereign...
- Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 - Who's In Charge Around Here?
- Ecclesiastes 2:12-26 - Floccinaucinihilipilification: The Estimation of Everything as Nothing.
- James 3:5b-12 - Word Problems (Part 2)
- James 3:1-5a - Word Problems (Part 1)
- Ecclesiastes 2:1-11 - Solomon's Failed Experiment
- Ecclesiastes 1:12-18 - Fact-Checking the Smartest Man in History
- Ecclesiastes 1:1-11 - Diffusing the Illusion
- Ecclesiastes 1:1 - Introduction to Ecclesiastes
- Numbers 20:1-13 - The Waters of Meribah
- James 2:1-13 - Forsaking Favoritism (Part 2)
- James 2:1-4 - Forsaking Favoritism (Part 1)
- Titus - God Our Savior!
- Titus 3:12-15 - Helping The Church See The Bigger Picture
- Titus 3:9-11 - Two Threats To Remove From The Church
- Baptism Explained 4/17/16
- Church Membership 4/17/16
- Titus 3:8 - Securing Godliness In A Godless Culture (Part 3)
- Titus 3:4-7 - Securing Godliness In A Godless Culture (Part 2)
- 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 - Are You Ready To Defend The Resurrection?
- Titus 3:1-3 - Securing Godliness in a Godless Culture (Part 1)
- Titus 2:15 - Who Is For My Godliness?
- Titus 2:14 - The Saving and Sanctifying Death of Jesus
- Titus 2:12-13 - Saving Grace Is Sanctifying Grace (Part 3)
- Titus 2:11-12 - Saving Grace Is Sanctifying Grace (Part 2)
- Titus 2:11 - Saving Grace is Sanctifying Grace (Part 1)
- Titus 2:9-10 - Sanctified Lives (Part 4)
- Titus 2:6-8 - Sanctified Lives (Part 3)
- Titus 2:3-5 - Sanctified Lives (Part 2)
- Titus 2:1-2 - Sanctified Lives (Part 1)
- Titus 1:10-16 - Silenced Lies (Part 2)
- Titus 1:10-14 - Silenced Lies (Part 1)
- Titus 1:9 - Scrutinized Leaders (Part 4)
- Luke 2:1-20 - Will You Celebrate the Right Christmas?
- Titus 1:7-8 - Scrutinized Leaders (Part 3)
- Baptism Explained 12/6/15
- Church Membership 12/6/15
- Titus 1:6 - Scrutinized Leaders (Part 2)
- Titus 1:6 - Scrutinized Leaders (Part 1)
- Joshua 10:1-15 - Walking with God
- James 1:13-16 - Thinking Rightly About Temptations
- Titus 1:5 - Two Non-Negotiables for “Out of Order” Churches
- Titus 1:1-4 - The Believer’s Connection to God’s Slave-Apostle
- PNG Update
- Introduction to Titus
- Psalm 110 - God, Man, and Authority (Part 6): Our King Is Coming!
- Psalm 10 - Faith in a Land of Felons
- 1 Timothy 2:1-8 - God, Man, and Authority (Part 5): The Christian's Obligation to Governing Authorities
- 1 Peter 2:13-17 - God, Man, and Authority (Part 4): The Christian’s Submission to Human Institutions
- Romans 13:1-7 - God, Man, and Authority (Part 3): The Christian’s Submission to Flawed Authority
- God, Man, and Authority (Part 2): The Authority of King Jesus
- Luke 19:1-10 - The Conversion of Zaccheus
- God, Man, and Authority (Part 1)
- Acts 28:16-31 - Paul’s Transportation to Rome (Part 3)
- Acts 28:1-15 - Paul’s Transportation to Rome (Part 2)
- August 2, 2015: Thanks to God
- Acts 26:18 - A Rescued Man’s Job Description
- Acts 27:1-44 - Paul’s Transportation to Rome
- Acts 26:12-32 - Paul’s Evacuation to Caesarea (Part 6)
- Colossians 3:12-17 - The Priorities of the Christian
- Baptism Explained 6/28/15
- Acts 26:1-18 - Paul’s Evacuation to Caesarea (Part 5)
- Acts 25:13-27 - Paul’s Evacuation to Caesarea (Part 4)
- Acts 25:1-12 - Paul’s Evacuation to Caesarea (Part 3)
- Acts 24:1-27 - Paul’s Evacuation to Caesarea (Part 2)
- Acts 23:12-35 - Paul’s Evacuation to Caesarea (Part 1)
- Acts 23:1-11 - Paul’s Incarceration in Jerusalem (Part 4)
- Acts 22:1-30 - Paul’s Incarceration in Jerusalem (Part 3)
- Acts 22:1-30 - Paul’s Incarceration in Jerusalem (Part 2)
- Acts 21:27-40 - Paul’s Incarceration in Jerusalem (Part 1)
- Baptism Explained 4/19/15
- Church Membership 4/19/15
- Acts 21:18-26 - The Storm Before the Promised Storm
- Luke 23:44-24:12 - Looking for God Easter Morning!
- Acts 21:1-17 - The Final Leg of Paul’s Third Missionary Journey
- Acts 20:33-38 - The Trustworthy Example Guiding the Elders
- Acts 20:32 - The Trustworthy God Keeping the Elders
- 2 Timothy 1:6-11 - Enabling and Empowering Shameless Gospel Living
- Acts 20:28-31 - Trustworthy Signals Which Alarm the Elders (Part 5)
- Acts 20:28-31 - Trustworthy Signals Which Alarm the Elders (Part 4)
- Acts 20:28-31 - Trustworthy Signals Which Alarm the Elders (Part 3)
- Acts 20:28-31 - Trustworthy Signals Which Alarm the Elders (Part 2)
- Acts 20:28-31 - Trustworthy Signals Which Alarm the Elders (Part 1)
- Acts 20:22-27 - Hope for the Church (Through Her Elders) (Part 2)
- Acts 20:17-21 - Hope for the Church (Through Her Elders)
- 1 Corinthians 13:8-13 - A Biblical Survey of Tongues (Part 3)
- 1 Corinthians 12-14 - A Biblical Survey of Tongues (Part 2)
- A Biblical Survey of Tongues (Part 1)
- 1 John 3:4-10 - The Destructive Nature of Christmas
- Paul’s Ministry Outside Ephesus
- Acts 19:21-41 - Idolatry’s Defiant Stand Against the Gospel
- Team Papua New Guinea Sendoff (Part 2)
- Sending Off Team PNG
- Acts 19:11-20 - Who Truly Speaks for God in Ephesus?
- Acts 19:1-10 - Paul’s Early Ministry in Ephesus (Part 2)
- Acts 19:1-10 - Paul’s Early Ministry in Ephesus (Part 1)
- Acts 18:24-28 - The Right Kind of Man for the Gospel Mission - Apollos
- Acts 18:23 - Paul’s Third Missionary Journey
- What Does It Mean To Be a Spiritual Person?
- October 12, 2014: Facilities Announcement
- Isaiah 45:18-25 - The Invitation of God
- Isaiah 44:6-20 - The Glory of God and the Insanity of Idolatry
- Isaiah 43:22-28 - The Burden of Religion
- GBC’s Plan for Leadership Development (Part 2)
- Philippians 1:9-11 - Putting Discernment in Its Place
- One New Man
- Gospel Ministry in Italy - Massimo Mollica
- Baptism Explained 8/17/14
- Isaiah 6:1-7 - The Holy One of Israel
- GBC’s Plan for Leadership Development
- Isaiah 43:1-13 - Can I Get A Witness?
- Isaiah 42:14-25 - The Grace of God to an Obstinate People
- 2 Peter 1 - Your Pace on Sanctification’s Path
- Psalm 33 - The Fear that Drives Fear Away
- Isaiah 42:10-13 - Praise God!
- Romans 5:1-5 - Christian Distinctives in Difficult Circumstances
- Isaiah 42:1-9 - God’s Man for Another Kind of Rescue
- Isaiah 41:21-29 - God Tells the Future (Part 2)
- Isaiah 41:21-29 - God Tells the Future (Part 1)
- Isaiah 41:1-20 - God Rules and Cares
- Church Membership 5/18/14
- Baptism Explained 5/18/14
- Isaiah 40:27-31 - God Is Our Help
- Isaiah 40:18-26 - God Is Incomparable
- Isaiah 40:12-17 - God Is Big
- 1 Corinthians 15:35-49 - The Certainty of Our Resurrection
- Isaiah 40:1-11 - Future History’s Present Comforts
- Introduction to a Series from Isaiah 40-46
- Acts 18:18-22 - Paul’s Final Footsteps - the Second Missionary Journey
- Acts 18:1-17 - The Changing Seasons of Gospel Ministry
- Acts 17:24-34 - Overthrowing the Reign of Willful Idolatry (Part 2)
- Acts 17:24-34 - Overthrowing the Reign of Willful Idolatry (Part 1)
- Acts 17:22-23 - Facing the Religion of the Rebels
- Acts 17:16-21 - The Gospel’s Alien Invasion of Athens (Part 2)
- Ecclesiastes 6:1-12 - The Problem with Life
- Acts 17:16-21 - The Gospel’s Alien Invasion of Athens (Part 1)
- Acts 17:1-15 - The Mission Field’s Familiar Mix (Part 2)
- Acts 17:1-9 - The Mission Field’s Familiar Mix (Thessalonica)
- Acts 16:35-40 - A Large Dose of Reality from Philippi (Part 4)
- Acts 16:27-34 - A Large Dose of Reality from Philippi (Part 3)
- Acts 16:25-26 - Doses of Reality from Philippi (Part 2)
- Acts 16:11-24 - Doses of Reality from Philippi (Part 1)
- Hebrews 2:14-15 - The Three Characters of Christmas
- Acts 16:1-10 - Foundational Features Supporting Gospel Preaching
- Philippians 2:14-16 - High Stakes for the Christian’s Contentment
- Church Membership 12/01/13
- Baptism Explained 12/1/13
- Acts 15:36-41 - The Regrettable Start of the Second Missionary Journey
- Acts 15:13-35 - The Fight for the Door of Faith to the Gentiles (Part 2)
- Matthew 18:15-20 - The Heart of Christ for Our Holiness
- Acts 15:1-12 - The Fight for the Door of Faith to the Gentiles
- Acts 14:21-28 - Four Pillars Supporting Church Planting (Part 2)
- Acts 14:21-28 - Four Pillars Supporting Church Planting (Part 1)
- Acts 14:8-20 - Gospel Scenes in a Pagan City
- Acts 20:24 - Looking Out For Number One
- Acts 14:1-7 - Six Expectations from Genuine Gospel Preaching (Part 2)
- Acts 14:1-7 - Six Expectations from Genuine Gospel Preaching
- Acts 13:44-52 - The Sign of Things to Come (Part 6)
- 1 Peter 1:3-9 - The Triumph of Faith
- Acts 13:40-43 - The Sign of Things to Come (Part 5)
- Acts 13:38-39 - The Sign of Things to Come (Part 4)
- Acts 13:26-37 - The Sign of Things to Come (Part 3)
- Acts 13:13-29 - The Sign of Things to Come (Part 2)
- Acts 13:13-52 - The Sign of Things to Come (Part 1)
- 1 Thessalonians 2:13 - As It Really Is
- John 4:1-26 - The Fountain Came Asking for a Drink
- Three Essentials for Fleeing Sin
- Acts 13:4-12 - The Island Invasion of the Gospel
- Acts 13:1-3 - The Necessities for the New Mission
- Hebrews 10:23-27 - My Brother’s Keeper
- 1 Peter 5:6-7 - God’s Command to Be Humble in the Face of Trials
- Isaiah 10:5-34 - In God’s Hands
- Acts 12:1-25 - A Foolish King and the Fruitful Gospel
- Acts 11:19-30 - Church Partnership in the Gospel
- Acts 11:19-30 - What Can Be Seen in a New Church?
- Acts 11:1-18 - The Perfect Preparation of Praise for God
- Baptism Explained 5/5/2013
- 1 Timothy 3, Titus 1 - Ordination
- Church Membership 5/5/2013
- Deuteronomy 10:12-16 - What Does God Require?
- Acts 10:34-48 - The Remarkable Features of Peter’s Sermon to the Gentiles
- Acts 10:1-33 - God’s Gospel Footprints into the Gentile World
- Galatians 6:1-5 - Restoring the Ensnared Believer
- 1 Peter 1:3-5 - Why Aliens and Strangers Must Worship
- Preparing for PNG
- Daniel 12:1-3 - Hope Will Dawn
- Acts 9:32-43 - What Miracles Prove
- Acts 9:31 - Clarifying Seasons of Peace and Increase
- Acts 9:26-31 - The Hallmarks of Saul’s Gospel Ministry (Jerusalem)
- Acts 9:19b-25 - The Hallmarks of Saul’s Gospel Ministry (Damascus)
- Acts 9:1 - Disciples of the Lord (Part 2)
- Acts 9:1 - Disciples of the Lord (Part 1)
- 2 Timothy 2:2 - Securing Our Future
- Acts 9:1-19a - The Transformation From Enemy to Apostle
- Acts 8:26-40 - The Spirit’s Impressive Control of the Gospel Mission
- Acts 8:9-25 - Gospel Lessons from the Front Lines in Samaria (Part 2)
- Acts 8:9-25 - The Gospel’s Victory in Samaria (Part 1)
- Matthew 2:1-16 - What Could We Tell Mary and Joseph?
- Baptism Explained 12/16/2012
- Church Membership 12/16/2012
- Acts 8:4-8 - God-Given Indicators of a Strong Gospel Mission
- Wait. (Part 8) Don’t Wait (or “Don’t Confuse Laziness with Waiting on God”)
- Philippians 3:20-21 - Wait. (Part 7) Waiting for Jesus
- Proverbs 20:22 - Wait. (Part 6) Waiting on God for Judgment
- Wait. (Part 5) Waiting on God in My Fight with Sin
- Luke 12:35-48 - Wait. (Part 4) What Do I Do While I Wait?
- Psalm 37:1-7 - Wait. (Part 3) Waiting on God When Life is Hard
- Wait. (Part 2) The History of Waiting
- Wait. (Part 1) Waiting on God in a World That Won’t Wait
- 2 Timothy 2:1-4 - Instructions From a Father to a Son
- Joshua 1:1-9 - A Divine Commission
- Paul’s Life and Ministry in His Own Words
- 2 Peter 1:16-21 - A Revelation with Uncommon Reliability
- Acts 8:1-3 - The Extremes in the Send-off of the Gospel
- Acts 7:1-60 - Securing God’s Man through His Crucial Moment
- Acts 6:8-15 - Preparing God’s Man for a Crucial Moment
- Acts 6:1-7 - The Seedbed for Deacon Leadership
- Acts 6:1-7 - Resolving a Crisis for the Gospel Mission
- Acts 5:33-42 - Another Futile Attempt to Stop the Gospel (Part 2)
- Acts 5:17-32 - Another Futile Attempt to Stop the Gospel (Part 1)
- Acts 5:12-16 - Striking Features Given to the Church
- 1 Corinthians 5:1-3 - Correcting the Church that Compromised
- Acts 5:1-11 - The Father’s Unmistakable Love in Jerusalem
- Acts 4:36-37 - The Triumph of the Gospel Revisited
- 1 Peter 2:1-3 - Crave the Word!
- The Gospel Mission in Spain and PNG
- Revelation 20:11-15 - God, The Dead, and The Books
- Acts 4:32-37 - Distinguishing Marks of the Early Church
- Acts 4:29-31 - The Prayer That Promoted Gospel Proclamation (Part 2)
- Acts 4:23-31 - The Prayer That Promoted Gospel Proclamation
- Acts 4:15-22 - The First Worthless Attempt to Muzzle the Gospel (Part 3)
- Acts 4:13-14 - The First Worthless Attempt to Muzzle the Gospel (Part 2)
- Acts 4:1-12 - The First Worthless Attempt to Muzzle the Gospel
- Acts 3:13-18 - How the “Storm” Formed in the Temple
- Philippians 3:7-11 - Prizing the Resurrection!
- Acts 3:1-26 - A "Storm" is Brewing in the Temple
- Acts 2:43-47 - Four Remarkable Traits of the Newborn Church (Part 5)
- Acts 2:42 - Four Remarkable Traits of the Newborn Church (Part 4)
- Acts 2:42 - Four Remarkable Traits of the Newborn Church (Part 3)
- Acts 2:42-47 - Four Remarkable Traits of the Newborn Church (Part 2)
- Acts 2:42-43 - Four Remarkable Traits of the Newborn Church
- Proverbs 4:23 - Guard Your Heart
- Acts 2:40-41 - Two Intrinsic Features of a Church on the Gospel Mission
- Acts 2:38-39 - Ensuring Repentance at Pentecost
- Acts 2:37-47 - The Dawning of Repentance
- Acts 2:14-36 - Battling Mockery and Confusion at Pentecost (Part 2)
- Acts 2:14-21 - Battling Mockery and Confusion at Pentecost (Part 1)
- Acts 2:14-21 and Joel 1-3 - Peter’s Pentecost and Joel’s Day of the Lord
- Luke 7:36-50 - Much Love
- 1 Timothy 1:15-16 - A Trustworthy Statement
- Acts 2:1-13 - The Power at Pentecost (Part 2)
- Acts 2:1-13 - The Power at Pentecost (Part 1)
- Baptism Explained 12/4/2011
- Acts 1:12-26 - The Fruit from 40 Days with Jesus
- Acts 1:8 - 2 Key Figures in the Gospel Mission (Part 2)
- Acts 1:8 - 2 Key Figures in the Gospel Mission (Part 1)
- Acts 1:6-11 - Securing Apostles for Gospel Success (Part 2)
- Acts 1:1-5 - Securing Apostles for Gospel Success
- Acts - The Triumph of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
- Matthew 11:28-30 - Jesus and His Gospel Call
- Debt and the Gospel (Part 2)
- Debt and the Gospel (Part 1)
- Luke 19:11-27 - Stewardship and the Gospel (Part 2)
- Luke 12:35-26 - Stewardship and the Gospel (Part 1)
- Greed and the Gospel (Part 2 - New Testament)
- Greed and the Gospel (Part 1 - Old Testament)
- Genesis Wrap-Up and FAQs
- Genesis 3:20-24 - The Fall (Part 4)
- Genesis 3:15 - The Son of the Woman
- Genesis 3:15 - The Seed of the Snake
- Genesis 3:14-19 - The Fall (Part 3)
- Matthew 18:15-20 - The Heart of Christ for Our Holiness
- Genesis 3:1-13 - The Fall (Part 2)
- Genesis 3:1-13 - The Fall (Part 1)
- Genesis 2:18-25 - God's Satsifying Helper for Man
- Romans 15:14 - Impressed by Grace
- Genesis 2:16-17 - Two Trees
- Genesis 2:4-15 - The Creation of Man and the Stage for His Destiny
- Genesis 2:1-3 - Day 7: God's Dramatic Change of Course
- Genesis 1:26-28 - The Glory of the Image of God
- Baptism Explained 5/22/2011
- Genesis 1:24-31 - Six Spectacular Days (Part 4 - Day Six)
- Genesis 1:14-25 - Six Spectacular Days (Part 3 - Days Four and Five)
- Genesis 1:3-13 - Six Spectacular Days (Part 2 - Days One - Three)
- 1 Corinthians 15:12-19 - What If There is No Resurrection?
- Colossians 1:28-29 - Essential Elements of a Healthy Ministry
- Genesis 1:3-31 - Six Spectacular Days
- Genesis 1:2 - Unformed and Unfilled
- Genesis 1:1 - In The Beginning
- Romans 1 and Genesis 1 - Facing God's Revelation of Himself in Creation and Genesis 1
- Romans 1:18-23 - Facing the Truth of God's Revelation in Creation and the Gospel!
- Genesis 1-11 - How Did I Get Here?
- Genesis 1-11 - Why Genesis?
- Psalm 130 - The Greatness of God in Forgiveness
- A Primer on Holiness
- Ephesians 6:21-24 - Evidence of the Gospel in Paul's Relationships
- Ephesians 6:19-20 - Suited Up to Stand Firm! (Part 8)
- Ephesians 6:18 - Suited Up to Stand Firm! (Part 7)
- Ephesians 6:17b - Suited Up to Stand Firm! (Part 6)
- Ephesians 6:17a - Suited Up to Stand Firm! (Part 5)
- Ephesians 6:15-16 - Suited Up to Stand Firm! (Part 4)
- Ephesians 6:14-15 - Suited Up to Stand Firm (Part 3)
- Luke 2:1-20 - Aligning Our Hearts with Scripture at Christmas
- Suited Up to Stand Firm (Part 2): The Devil in Real Life
- Baptism Explained 12/5/2010
- Ephesians 6:10-12 - Suited Up to Stand Firm! (Part 1)
- Ephesians 5:22-6:9 - The Difference Jesus Makes in Submission and Authority
- Ephesians 6:5-9 - Households for Christ: Uncommon Slaves and Masters
- Ephesians 6:4 - Households for Christ: The Father's Leadership
- Ephesians 6:1-3 - Households for Christ: The Child's Obedience
- Ephesians 5:33 - Households for Christ: God's Design for Husbands and Wives
- Ephesians 5:28-32 - Households for Christ: The Husband's Love (Part 2)
- Jeremiah 17:5-11- Trust the LORD
- Ephesians 5:25-27 - Households for Christ: The Husband's Love (Part 1)
- Ephesians 5:22-24 - Households for Christ: The Wife's Submission
- Ephesians 5:18-21 - Careful Christian Living (Part 3)
- Ephesians 5:17 - Careful Christian Living (Part 2)
- The Worldwide Mission of God
- 3 Disciplines; 1 Stronger Church
- Preaching the Gospel to Yourself
- Ephesians 5:15-17 - Careful Christian Living (Part 1)
- Ephesians 5:11-14 - The Effects of Light on the Believer (Part 2)
- Ephesians 5:7-10 - The Effects of Light on the Believer (Part 1)
- Student Ministries at GBC: The Heart of God for the Next Generation
- Ephesians 5:5-6 - The Walk of the God-Imitators (Part 4)
- Ephesians 5:3-6 - The Walk of the God-Imitators (Part 3)
- Ephesians 5:2 - The Walk of the God-Imitators (Part 2)
- Psalm 63:1-3 - A Righteous Response to Trial
- Baptism Explained 6/20/2010
- Ephesians 5:1-6 - The Walk of the God-Imitators (Part 1)
- Ephesians 4:31-32 - Well Prepared to Be Gracious to One Another
- Ephesians 4:29-30 - Well Prepared for God's Purpose for Words
- Ephesians 4:28 - Well Prepared for a New Kind of Work
- Ephesians 4:26-27 - Well Prepared for a New Kind of Anger (Part 2)
- Ephesians 4:26-27 - Well Prepared for a New Kind of Anger (Part 1)
- Ephesians 4:25 - Well Prepared to Speak the Truth
- Prepared to Obey Jesus Christ
- Ephesians 4:20-24 - Preparing Believers in the School of Christ (Part 2)
- Ephesians 4:20-24 - Preparing Believers in the School of Christ (Part 1)
- 1 Peter 1:20-21 - The Big Picture and Profit of the Resurrection
- Ephesians 4:17-19 - Saved to Walk Unlike the Rest (Part 2)
- Revelation 2:1-7 - The Church that Left Its Love
- Ephesians 4:17-19 - Saved to Walk Unlike the Rest (Part 1)
- Revelation 5:5-6 - God Never Graduates from the Gospel
- 1 Timothy 1:3-7 - Rescuing the Church from the Heart-Strayers
- Ephesians 4:15-16 - Gifted for the Growth of the Unified Body (Part 4)
- Ephesians 4:14-15 - Gifted for the Growth of the Unified Body (Part 3)
- Ephesians 4:11-13 - Gifted for the Growth of the Unified Body (Part 2)
- Ephesians 4:11-13 - Gifted for the Growth of the Unified Body (Part 1)
- Ephesians 4:7-10 - Victorious for the Giftedness of the Unified Body
- Ephesians 4:1-6 - The Walk of the Unified Body (Part 3)
- Ephesians 4:1-6 - The Walk of the Unified Body (Part 2)
- Ephesians 4:1-6 - The Walk of the Unified Body (Part 1)
- Psalm 100 - Worship God!
- John 18:33-38 - The King's Truth this Christmas
- Ephesians 3:19b-21 - Stairway to Glory (Part 4)
- Ephesians 3:17b-19a - Stairway to Glory (Part 3)
- Ephesians 3:16-17 - Stairway to Glory (Part 2)
- Baptism Explained and Parent Dedications 11/22/2009
- Ephesians 3:14-21 - Stairway to Glory (Part 1)
- Ephesians 3 - The Mystery and Much, Much More!
- Ephesians 3:8-13 - The Cost and Comfort in the Mystery of Christ (Part 2)
- Ephesians 3:1-7 - The Cost and Comfort in the Mystery of Christ (Part 1)
- Ephesians 2:19-22 - A Foundation Worth Remembering (Part 4)
- Psalm 37:4 - Delight Yourself in Yahweh
- Ephesians 2:14-18 - A Foundation Worth Remembering (Part 3)
- Ephesians 2:11-13 - A Foundation Worth Remembering (Part 2)
- Ephesians 2:11-22 - A Foundation Worth Remembering (Part 1)
- Ephesians 2:8-10 - The Power of God's Grace in Rebel Territory (Part 3)
- 2 Timothy 3:16-17 - What You Must Know About the Bible
- Ephesians 2:4-7 - The Power of God's Grace in Rebel Territory (Part 2)
- Ephesians 2:1-3 - The Power of God's Grace in Rebel Territory (Part 1)
- Ephesians 1:19-23 - What to Pray for Those Who Have Everything (Part 3)
- Ephesians 1:18 - What to Pray for Those Who Have Everything (Part 2)
- Ephesians 1:15-17 - What to Pray for Those Who Have Everything (Part 1)
- Ephesians 1:13-14 - Boasting in the Spirit Who Sealed Us
- Ephesians 1:7-12 - Boasting in the Son Who Redeemed Us (Part 2)
- Ephesians 1:7-12 - Boasting in the Son Who Redeemed Us (Part 1)
- Ephesians 1:3-6 - Boasting in the Father Who Chose Us
- Ephesians 1:1-2 - Ephesians: God's Eternal Purpose in Christ!
- Matthew 18:15-20 - The Christ-likeness of Restoration through Discipline
- Daniel 9:1-19 - Pray Because God is Sovereign
- Baptism Explained 6/7/2009
- Acts 1:8 - Missions Must Be Global
- Colossians 1:18 - Missions Must Be Ecclesiological
- Romans 10:9-17 - Missions Must Be Christological
- Romans 11:33-36 - Missions Must Be Doxological
- What the Gospel of Luke Contributes to GBC's Vision and Purpose
- Luke 24:44-53 - What Must Christ Do to Establish His Church
- Luke 24:13-43 - Faltering Followers of the Resurrected Lord
- Luke 23:44-24:12 - The Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Jesus
- Luke 23:26-43 - The Crushed Son's Selfless Burdens
- Philippians 2:5-8 - The Humility of Christ
- Missions: The Glory of God in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Manifested in the Church Around the World
- Luke 23:13-25 - Trying the Lamb Without Blemish or Spot (Part 2)
- Luke 23:1-12 - Trying the Lamb Without Blemish or Spot (Part 1)
- Luke 22:63-71 - The Sanhedrin's Condemnation of God (Part 2)
- Luke 22:63-71 - The Sanhedrin's Condemnation of God (Part 1)
- Luke 22:54-62 - Christ and His Collapsing Disciple
- Luke 22:47-54 - The Night Grace Secured the Arrest of Jesus
- Luke 22:39-46 - The Night Grace Agonized toward the Cross
- Luke 22:35-39 - The Night Grace Hosted Betrayal (Part 3)
- Luke 22:31-34 - The Night Grace Hosted Betrayal (Part 2)
- Luke 22:21-30 - The Night Grace Hosted Betrayal (Part 1)
- The Gospel of Luke: Jesus and His Great Reversal
- 2 Corinthians 4:17 - Affliction in the Balance
- John 3:16 - The Breathtaking Love of God and its Irrevocable Benefits to Believers
- Galatians 2:21 - Did Jesus Die for Nothing?
- John 14:16-17 - Another Helper Promised
- Leviticus 19:35-37 - Holiness: Always within Reach! - "Living Separate in the Marketplace"
- Leviticus 19:23-31 - Holiness: Always within Reach! - "The Believer's Fight to Separate from Idolatry"
- Mark 4:35-5:20 - Separated From the Evil Within
- Leviticus 19:19-22 - Holiness: Always within Reach! - "Separation, Sexual Sin and the Call to Holiness"
- Leviticus 19:9-18, 32-34 - Holiness: Always within Reach! - "The Holy Impact of Love in Relationships"
- Leviticus 19:5-8 - Holiness: Always within Reach! - "Separated from Sin to Celebrate Peace with God"
- John 11 - The Resurrection of Lazarus and the Revelation of Jesus (Part 2)
- John 11 - The Resurrection of Lazarus and the Revelation of Jesus (Part 1)
- Leviticus 19:3-4 - Holiness: Always Within Reach! - "The Basics of Holiness"
- Leviticus 19:1-2 - Holiness: Always Within Reach!
- Leviticus - Does Leviticus Matter?
- Christ's Sovereign Transition into His Teaching
- God's Use of Law Throughout the OT
- The NT's Esteem for the OT (Part 2)
- The NT's Esteem for the OT (Part 1)
- Revelation 21:3 - Heaven: The Desire of God and the Delight of the Redeemed
- 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 - Practical Considerations for the Lord's Supper
- 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 - Recovering the Lord's Supper Among the Factious
- Luke 22:14-20 - The Perfect Hand-Off in the Race for His Kingdom (Part 2)
- What Jesus Believes About Hell
- Luke 22:14-20 - The Perfect Hand-Off in the Race for His Kingdom (Part 1)
- Luke 22:7-13 - Divine Necessity and Sovereignty at Passover
- Romans 6 - Fighting For Obedience Under Grace
- Romans 6:20-23 - Grace's Final Appeal to the Dedicated Slave
- Acts 12 - Something Given and Something Taken
- Romans 6:17-19 - The Thankful and Dedicated Slave of Righteousness
- Baptism Explained 6/1/2008
- Romans 6:15-16 - Taking on the Grace-Skeptic Within (Part 2)
- Romans 6:15-16 - Taking on the Grace-Skeptic Within (Part 1)
- Romans 6:12-14 - How to Fight Sin (Part 2)
- Romans 6:12-14 - How to Fight Sin (Part 1)
- Romans 6:8-11 - Enlisting Faith in Our Battle with Sin
- Romans 6:5-7 - Hope for the Free
- Romans 6:1-4 - The Death of a Slave
- Romans 6- Freed to Be Slaves (Romans 6 Introduction)
- Luke 21:37-22:6 - Christ and the Approaching Darkness
- Colossians 3:1-4 - Fully Realizing the Resurrection
- Philippians 2:5-11 - Jesus, Revealed in All His Glory
- Luke 21:34-36 - Importing the Last Day Into Every Day (Part 2)
- Luke 21:34-36 - Importing the Last Day Into Every Day (Part 1)
- Luke 21:25-33 - The Second Coming of Jesus Christ (Part 2)
- Luke 21:25-33 - The Second Coming of Jesus Christ (Part 1)
- Luke 21:20-24 - The Character of the One Committed to Judgment
- Luke 21:12-19 - The Centerpiece of the Disciples' Persecution
- Luke 21:5-11 - Deception and Dangerous Days for Disciples
- 2 Kings 5:1-27 - God's Unhindered Redemptive Purpose
- Romans 12:14-16 - Beside Yourself
- Luke 20:45-21:4 - The Religion of the Robber's Den (Part 2)
- Luke 20:45-21:4 - Religion in the Robber's Den (Part 1)
- Luke 2:1-20 - The Way the Savior Arrived
- Luke 20:41-44 - The Crisis Concerning Christ
- Luke 20:27-40 - Christ's Resounding Defeat of the Sanhedrin (Part 2)
- Luke 20:27-40 - Christ's Resounding Defeat of the Sanhedrin (Part 1)
- Luke 20:20-26 - The Fools Who Hoped to Catch Christ
- Luke 20:9-19 - The Beloved, Rejected, Exalted Son (Part 2)
- Luke 20:9-19 - The Beloved, Rejected, Exalted Son (Part 1)
- Luke 19:45-20:8 - The King Reclaims His Temple (Part 2)
- Luke 19:45-20:8 - The King Reclaims His Temple (Part 1) and Kate Demarest's Baptism
- Luke 19:28-44 - The Cross-Centered Coronation of Jesus
- Luke 19:11-27 - The Receiving and Reckoning of the Kingdom
- Luke 19:1-10 - The Lowly Who Magnify the Savior (Part 3)
- Luke 19:1-10 - The Lowly Who Magnify the Savior (Part 2)
- Luke 18:35-43 - The Lowly Who Magnify the Savior (Part 1)
- Luke 18:31-34 - Focused on the Finish Line (Part 2)
- Luke 18:31-34 - Focused on the Finish Line (Part 1)
- Proverbs - God's Wisdom for Wealth and Work: The Book of Proverbs
- Luke 18:18-30 - The Savior Who Startles Disciples (Part 3)
- Luke 18:18-30 - The Savior Who Startles Disciples (Part 2)
- Luke 18:18-30 - The Savior Who Startles Disciples (Part 1)
- Luke 18:9-17 - The King and Our Enemy Within
- Exodus 25, 26, and 30 - The Tabernacle - Interaction With a Holy God
- Exodus 27:1-19; 30:17-21 - The Tabernacle Courtyard - Justification and Sanctification
- Philippians 1:18b-26 - A Passion to Magnify Christ Through the Advancement of the Gospel
- Luke 18:1-8 - The Patient but Coming King
- Luke 17:20-37 - The King, His Kingdom and Second Coming (Part 2)
- Philippians 2:14 - Do Everything Without Complaining or Arguing
- Luke 17:20-37 - The King, His Kingdom and Second Coming (Part 1) (and Parent Dedications)
- Luke 17:11-19 - Saving Faith Parts with the Crowd (and Parent Dedications)
- Luke 17:1-10 - What is Necessary for Today?
- Luke 16:19-31 - A Religion Fit for Hell
- GBC's View of Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage: A Survey of Scripture
- Luke 16:13-18 - The Spiritual Crimes of the God-Scoffers
- Luke 16:1-13 - The Disciple's Critical Decision Concerning Wealth and God (Part 2)
- Luke 16:1-13 - The Disciple's Critical Decision Concerning Wealth and God (Part 1)
- Luke 24:1-12 - The Predicament of the First Easter
- 1 Peter 1:1-12 - God's Grace in Trials: A Story of Redemption
- Luke 15:11-32 - Making God's Trademark Features Unmistakable!
- Luke 15:1-10 - God's Trademark Features
- Luke 14:25-35 - The True Disciple of Jesus
- Luke 14:15-24 - The Savior in the House of Sin (Part 2)
- Luke 14:1-14 - The Savior in the House of Sin (Part 1)
- Luke 13:31-35 - Jesus' Richness Before His Enemies' Rankness
- Luke 13:22-30 - Fighting Reckless Kingdom Reductionism
- Luke 13:18-21 - The Incomparable Kingdom of God!
- Luke 13:10-17 - Conflicting and Divisive Approaches to Desperate Sinners
- Luke 13:1-9 - Christ's Help for Sinners in a Tragedy-Laden World
- Grace Toward Grace Bible Church
- Ephesians 3:8-10 - What's the Big Idea (Part 1)
- Knowing God's Love through Knowing Our Sin
- 1 Peter 5:6 - Humility (True Greatness) - Battling Anxiety
- Luke 11:14-26 - Proving the Fence Has No Place to Sit
- Psalm 66 - Refined for Resounding Worship (Part 2)
- Psalm 66 - Refined for Resounding Worship (Part 1)
- Luke 11:5-13 - Prayerful Children Before Their Glorious Father (Part 2)
- Luke 11:1-4 - Prayerful Children Before Their Glorious Father (Part 1)
- Luke 10:38-42 - The Only Choice to Make When Ministry Spoils
- Luke 10:25-37 - The Neighborhood is Bigger Than You Think!
- Acts 20:13-38 - 5th Anniversary Service: Dimensions of Spiritual Leadership
- John 2-3 - Who Cares?
- Deuteronomy 6:4-9 - Sanctified to Be Effective for God!
- Easter: The Credible Resurrection of Jesus
- Luke 10:21-24 - Seeing What the Lord of the Harvest Sees! (Part 5)
- Luke 10:17-20 - Seeing What the Lord of the Harvest Sees! (Part 4)
- Luke 10:10-16 - Seeing What the Lord of the Harvest Sees! (Part 3)
- Luke 10:5-9 - Seeing What the Lord of the Harvest Sees! (Part 2)
- Luke 10:1-5 - Seeing What the Lord of the Harvest Sees! (Part 1)
- Romans 12:1-2 - The Believer's Authentic Life of Worship
- Luke 9:57-62 - Jesus' Refining Words for His Followers
- The Believer's Persevering Pursuit of Jesus Christ
- The Spirit's Regenerating Grace and Power
- The Son's Atoning Death
- The Father's Sovereign and Electing Love
- Salvation Belongs to Our God: The Sinner's Totaled Life
- Joshua 1:1-9 - The Life of Joshua
- 1 John 2:28-3:10 - The Test of Those Who Abide in Christ
- Luke 6:46-49 - When Jesus Questions My Sincerity
- Saving and Savoring Singleness: Four Keys to Freedom
- Deuteronomy 7:1-6 - Saving and Savoring Singleness: A Romance Worth Avoiding
- Matthew 11:28-30 - Saving and Savoring Singleness: The Greatest Relationship
- Ephesians 5:22-33 - Saving and Savoring Marriage, Part Two: The Picture of Marriage
- Genesis 1, 2 - Saving and Savoring Marriage, Part One: The Origin of Marriage
- John - Drawing In
- John 13:1-17 - Building Up
- Sending Out
- Life-Transforming (Part 2)
- Life-Transforming (Part 1)
- Cross-Centered
- God-Glorifying
- The Vision of Grace Bible Church (formerly EVBC-Tempe): An Introduction
- Communion Meditation: February 9 2025
- Communion Meditation: February 2 2025
- Communion Meditation: January 26 2025
- Communion Meditation: January 19 2025
- Communion Meditation: January 12 2025
- Communion Meditation: January 5 2025
- Communion Meditation: December 29, 2024
- Communion Meditation: December 8, 2024
- Communion Meditation: December 1, 2024
- Communion Meditation: November 24, 2024
- Communion Meditation: November 17, 2024
- Communion Meditation: November 10, 2024
- Communion Meditation: November 3, 2024
- Communion Meditation: October 27, 2024
- Communion Meditation: October 20, 2024
- Communion Meditation: October 13, 2024
- Communion Meditation: October 6, 2024
- Communion Meditation: September 29, 2024
- Communion Meditation: September 22, 2024
- Communion Meditation: September 15, 2024
- Communion Meditation: September 8, 2024
- Communion Meditation: September 1, 2024
- Communion Meditation: August 25, 2024
- Communion Meditation: August 18, 2024
- Communion Meditation: August 11, 2024
- Communion Meditation: August 4, 2024
- Communion Meditation: July 28, 2024
- Communion Meditation: July 21, 2024
- Communion Meditation: July 14, 2024
- Communion Meditation: July 7, 2024
- Communion Meditation: June 30, 2024
- Communion Meditation: June 23, 2024
- Communion Meditation: June 16, 2024
- Communion Meditation: June 9, 2024
- Communion Meditation: June 2, 2024
- Communion Meditation: May 26, 2024
- Communion Meditation: May 19, 2024
- Communion Meditation: May 12, 2024
- Communion Meditation: May 5, 2024
- Communion Meditation: April 28, 2024
- Communion Meditation: April 14, 2024
- Communion Meditation: April 7, 2024
- Communion Meditation: March 24, 2024
- Communion Meditation: March 17, 2024
- Communion Meditation: March 10, 2024
- Communion Meditation: March 3, 2024
- Communion Meditation: February 25, 2024
- Communion Meditation: February 18, 2024
- Communion Meditation: February 11, 2024
- Communion Meditation: February 4, 2024
- Communion Meditation: January 28, 2024
- Communion Meditation: January 21, 2024
- Communion Meditation: January 14, 2024
- Communion Meditation: January 7, 2024
- Communion Meditation: December 31, 2023
- Communion Meditation: December 17, 2023
- Communion Meditation: December 10, 2023
- Communion Meditation: November 26, 2023
- Communion Meditation: November 19, 2023
- Communion Meditation: November 12, 2023
- Communion Meditation: November 5, 2023
- Communion Meditation: October 29, 2023
- Communion Meditation: October 22, 2023
- Communion Meditation: October 15, 2023
- Communion Meditation: October 8, 2023
- Communion Meditation: October 1, 2023
- Communion Meditation: September 24, 2023
- Communion Meditation: September 17, 2023
- Communion Meditation: September 10, 2023
- Communion Meditation: September 3, 2023
- Communion Meditation: August 27, 2023
- Communion Meditation: August 20, 2023
- Communion Meditation: August 13, 2023
- Communion Meditation: August 6, 2023
- Communion Meditation: July 30, 2023
- Communion Meditation: July 23, 2023
- Communion Meditation: July 16, 2023
- Communion Meditation: July 9, 2023
- Communion Meditation: July 2, 2023
- Communion Meditation: June 25, 2023
- Communion Meditation: June 18, 2023
- Communion Meditation: June 11, 2023
- Communion Meditation: June 4, 2023
- Communion Meditation: May 28, 2023
- Communion Meditation: May 21, 2023
- Communion Meditation: May 14, 2023
- Communion Meditation: May 7, 2023
- Communion Meditation: April 30, 2023
- Communion Meditation: April 23, 2023
- Communion Meditation: April 16, 2023
- Communion Meditation: April 2, 2023
- Communion Meditation: March 26, 2023
- Communion Meditation: March 19, 2023
- Communion Meditation: March 12, 2023
- Communion Meditation: March 5, 2023
- Communion Meditation: February 26, 2023
- Communion Meditation: February 19, 2023
- Communion Meditation: February 12, 2023
- Communion Meditation: February 5, 2023
- Communion Meditation: January 29, 2023
- Communion Meditation: January 22, 2023
- Communion Meditation: January 15, 2023
- Communion Meditation: January 8, 2023
- Communion Meditation: January 1, 2023
- Communion Meditation: December 18, 2022
- Communion Meditation: December 11, 2022
- Communion Meditation: December 4, 2022
- Communion Meditation: November 27, 2022
- Communion Meditation: November 20, 2022
- Communion Meditation: November 13, 2022
- Communion Meditation: November 6, 2022
- Communion Meditation: October 30, 2022
- Communion Meditation: October 23, 2022
- Communion Meditation: October 16, 2022
- Communion Meditation: October 9, 2022
- Communion Meditation: October 2, 2022
- Communion Meditation: September 25, 2022
- Communion Meditation: September 18, 2022
- Communion Meditation: September 11, 2022
- Communion Meditation: September 4, 2022
- Communion Meditation: August 28, 2022
- Communion Meditation: August 21, 2022
- Communion Meditation: August 14, 2022
- Communion Meditation: August 7, 2022
- Communion Meditation: July 31, 2022
- Communion Meditation: July 24 2022
- Communion Meditation: July 17, 2022
- Communion Meditation: July 10, 2022
- Communion Meditation: July 3, 2022
- Communion Meditation: June 26, 2022
- Communion Meditation: June 19, 2022
- Communion Meditation: June 12, 2022
- Communion Meditation: June 5, 2022
- Communion Meditation: May 29, 2022
- Communion Meditation: May 22, 2022
- Communion Meditation: May 15, 2022
- Communion Meditation: May 8, 2022
- Communion Meditation: May 1, 2022
- Communion Meditation: April 24, 2022
- Communion Meditation: April 10, 2022
- Communion Meditation: April 3, 2022
- Communion Meditation: March 27, 2022
- Communion Meditation: March 20, 2022
- Communion Meditation: March 13, 2022
- Communion Meditation: March 6, 2022
- Communion Meditation: February 27, 2022
- Communion Meditation: February 20, 2022
- Communion Meditation: February 13, 2022
- Communion Meditation: February 6, 2022
- Communion Meditation: January 30, 2022
- Communion Meditation: January 23, 2022
- Communion Meditation: January 16, 2022
- Communion Meditation: January 9, 2022
- Communion Meditation: January 2, 2022
- Communion Meditation: December 26, 2021
- Communion Meditation: December 5, 2021
- Communion Meditation: November 28, 2021
- Communion Meditation: November 21, 2021
- Communion Meditation: November 14, 2021
- Communion Meditation: November 7, 2021
- Communion Meditation: October 31, 2021
- Communion Meditation: October 24, 2021
- Communion Meditation: October 17, 2021
- Communion Meditation: October 10, 2021
- Communion Meditation: October 3, 2021
- Communion Meditation: September 26, 2021
- Communion Meditation: September 19, 2021
- Communion Meditation: September 12, 2021
- Communion Meditation: September 5, 2021
- Communion Meditation: August 29, 2021
- Communion Meditation: August 22, 2021
- Communion Meditation: August 15, 2021
- Communion Meditation: August 8, 2021
- Communion Meditation: August 1, 2021
- Communion Meditation: July 18, 2021
- Communion Meditation: July 11, 2021
- Communion Meditation: July 4, 2021
- Communion Meditation: June 27, 2021
- Communion Meditation: June 20, 2021
- Communion Meditation: June 13, 2021
- Communion Meditation: June 6, 2021
- Communion Meditation: May 30, 2021
- Communion Meditation: May 23, 2021
- Communion Meditation: May 16, 2021
- Communion Meditation: May 9, 2021
- Communion Meditation: May 2, 2021
- Communion Meditation: April 25, 2021
- Communion Meditation: April 11, 2021
- Communion Meditation: March 28, 2021
- Communion Meditation: March 21, 2021
- Communion Meditation: March 14, 2021
- Communion Meditation: March 7, 2021
- Communion Meditation: February 28, 2021
- Communion Meditation: February 21, 2021
- Communion Meditation: February 14, 2021
- Communion Meditation: February 7, 2021
- Communion Meditation: January 31, 2021
- Communion Meditation: January 24, 2021
- Communion Meditation: January 17, 2021
- Communion Meditation: January 10, 2021
- Communion Meditation: January 3, 2021
- Communion Meditation: December 27, 2020
- Communion Meditation: December 13, 2020
- Communion Meditation: December 6, 2020
- Communion Meditation: November 29, 2020
- Communion Meditation: November 22, 2020
- Communion Meditation: November 15, 2020
- Communion Meditation: November 8, 2020
- Communion Meditation: November 1, 2020
- Communion Meditation: October 4, 2020
- Communion Meditation: September 6, 2020
- Communion Meditation: August 2, 2020
- Communion Meditation: July 26, 2020
- Communion Meditation: July 19, 2020
- Communion Meditation: July 12, 2020
- Communion Meditation: July 5, 2020
- Communion Meditation: June 7, 2020
- Communion Meditation: May 31, 2020
- Communion Meditation: May 24, 2020
- Communion Meditation: May 17, 2020
- Communion Meditation: May 10, 2020
- Communion Meditation: May 3, 2020
- Communion Meditation: April 26, 2020
- Communion Meditation: April 19, 2020
- Good Friday: April 10, 2020
- Communion Meditation: April 5, 2020
- Communion Meditation: March 29, 2020
- Communion Meditation: March 22, 2020
- Communion Meditation: March 15, 2020
- Communion Meditation: March 8, 2020
- Communion Meditation: March 1, 2020
- Communion Meditation: February 23, 2020
- Communion Meditation: February 16, 2020
- Communion Meditation: February 9, 2020
- Communion Meditation: February 2, 2020
- Communion Meditation: January 26, 2020
- Communion Meditation: January 19, 2020
- Communion Meditation: January 12, 2020
- Communion Meditation: January 5, 2020
- Communion Meditation: December 29, 2019
- Communion Meditation: December 15, 2019
- December 8, 2019: Communion Meditation
- December 1, 2019: Communion Meditation
- November 24, 2019: Communion Meditation
- November 17, 2019: Communion Meditation
- November 10, 2019: Communion Meditation
- November 3, 2019: Communion Meditation
- October 27, 2019: Communion Meditation
- October 20, 2019: Communion Meditation
- October 13, 2019: Communion Meditation
- October 6, 2019: Communion Meditation
- September 22, 2019: Communion Meditation
- September 15, 2019: Communion Meditation
- September 8, 2019: Communion Meditation
- September 1, 2019: Communion Meditation
- August 25, 2019: Communion Meditation
- August 18, 2019: Communion Meditation
- August 11, 2019: Communion Meditation
- August 4, 2019: Communion Meditation
- July 28, 2019: Communion Meditation
- July 21, 2019: Communion Meditation
- July 14, 2019: Communion Meditation
- July 7, 2019: Communion Meditation
- June 30, 2019: Communion Meditation
- June 23, 2019: Communion Meditation
- June 16, 2019: Communion Meditation
- June 9, 2019: Communion Meditation
- June 2, 2019: Communion Meditation
- May 26, 2019: Communion Meditation
- May 19, 2019: Communion Meditation
- May 12, 2019: Communion Meditation
- May 5, 2019: Communion Meditation
- April 28, 2019: Communion Meditation
- April 19, 2019: Communion Meditation
- April 14, 2019: Communion Meditation
- April 7, 2019: Communion Meditation
- March 31, 2019: Communion Meditation
- March 24, 2019: Communion Meditation
- March 17, 2019: Communion Meditation
- March 10, 2019: Communion Meditation
- March 3, 2019: Communion Meditation
- February 24, 2019: Communion Meditation
- February 17, 2019: Communion Meditation
- February 10, 2019: Communion Meditation
- February 3, 2019: Communion Meditation
- January 27, 2019: Communion Meditation
- January 20, 2019: Communion Meditation
- January 13, 2019: Communion Meditation
- January 6, 2019: Communion Meditation
- December 30, 2018: Communion Meditation
- December 16, 2018: Communion Meditation
- December 9, 2018: Communion Meditation
- December 2, 2018: Communion Meditation
- November 25, 2018: Communion Meditation
- November 18, 2018: Communion Meditation
- November 11, 2018: Communion Meditation
- November 4, 2018: Communion Meditation
- October 28, 2018: Communion Meditation
- October 21, 2018: Communion Meditation
- October 14, 2018: Communion Meditation
- October 7, 2018: Communion Meditation
- September 30, 2018: Communion Meditation
- September 23, 2018: Communion Meditation
- September 16, 2018: Communion Meditation
- September 9, 2018: Communion Meditation
- September 2, 2018: Communion Meditation
- August 26, 2018: Communion Meditation
- August 19, 2018: Communion Meditation
- August 12, 2018: Communion Meditation
- August 5, 2018: Communion Meditation
- July 29, 2018: Communion Meditation
- July 22, 2018: Communion Meditation
- July 15, 2018: Communion Meditation
- July 8, 2018: Communion Meditation
- July 1, 2018: Communion Meditation
- June 24, 2018: Communion Meditation
- June 17, 2018: Communion Meditation
- June 10, 2018: Communion Meditation
- June 3, 2018: Communion Meditation
- May 27, 2018: Communion Meditation
- May 20, 2018: Communion Meditation
- May 13, 2018: Communion Meditation
- May 6, 2018: Communion Meditation
- April 29, 2018: Communion Meditation
- April 22, 2018: Communion Meditation
- April 15, 2018: Communion Meditation
- April 8, 2018: Communion Meditation
- March 30, 2018: Communion Meditation
- March 25, 2018: Communion Meditation
- March 18, 2018: Communion Meditation
- March 11, 2018: Communion Meditation
- March 4, 2018: Communion Meditation
- February 25, 2018: Communion Meditation
- February 18, 2018: Communion Meditation
- February 11, 2018: Communion Meditation
- February 4, 2018: Communion Meditation
- January 28, 2018: Communion Meditation
- January 21, 2018: Communion Meditation
- January 14, 2018: Communion Meditation
- January 7, 2018: Communion Meditation
- December 31, 2017: Communion Meditation
- December 17, 2017: Communion Meditation
- December 10, 2017: Communion Meditation
- November 26, 2017: Communion Meditation
- November 19, 2017: Communion Meditation
- November 12, 2017: Communion Meditation
- November 5, 2017: Communion Meditation
- October 29, 2017: Communion Meditation
- October 22, 2017: Communion Meditation
- October 15, 2017: Communion Meditation
- October 8, 2017: Communion Meditation
- October 1, 2017: Communion Meditation
- September 24, 2017: Communion Meditation
- September 17, 2017: Communion Meditation
- September 10, 2017: Communion Meditation
- September 3, 2017: Communion Meditation
- August 27, 2017: Communion Meditation
- August 20, 2017: Communion Meditation
- August 13, 2017: Communion Meditation
- August 6, 2017: Communion Meditation
- July 30, 2017: Communion Meditation
- July 23, 2017: Communion Meditation
- July 16, 2017: Communion Meditation
- July 9, 2017: Communion Meditation
- July 2, 2017: Communion Meditation
- June 25, 2017: Communion Meditation
- June 18, 2017: Communion Meditation
- June 11, 2017: Communion Meditation
- June 04, 2017: Communion Meditation
- May 28, 2017: Communion Meditation
- May 21, 2017: Communion Meditation
- May 14, 2017: Communion Meditation
- May 7, 2017: Communion Meditation
- April 30, 2017: Communion Meditation
- April 23, 2017: Communion Meditation
- April 9, 2017: Communion Meditation
- April 2, 2017: Communion Meditation
- March 26, 2017: Communion Meditation
- March 19, 2017: Communion Meditation
- March 12, 2017: Communion Meditation
- March 5, 2017: Communion Meditation
- February 26, 2017: Communion Meditation
- February 19, 2017: Communion Meditation
- February 12, 2017: Communion Meditation
- February 5, 2017: Communion Meditation
- January 29, 2017: Communion Meditation
- January 22, 2017: Communion Meditation
- January 15, 2017: Communion Meditation
- January 8, 2017: Communion Meditation
- January 1, 2017: Communion Meditation
- December 18, 2016: Communion Meditation
- December 11, 2016: Communion Meditation
- November 27, 2016: Communion Meditation
- November 20, 2016: Communion Meditation
- November 13, 2016: Communion Meditation
- November 6, 2016: Communion Meditation
- October 30, 2016: Communion Meditation
- October 23, 2016: Communion Meditation
- October 16, 2016: Communion Meditation
- October 9, 2016: Communion Meditation
- October 2, 2016: Communion Meditation
- September 25, 2016: Communion Meditation
- September 18, 2016: Communion Meditation
- September 11, 2016: Communion Meditation
- September 4, 2016: Communion Meditation
- August 28, 2016: Communion Meditation
- August 21, 2016: Communion Meditation
- August 14, 2016: Communion Meditation
- August 7, 2016: Communion Meditation
- July 31, 2016: Communion Meditation
- July 24, 2016: Communion Meditation
- July 17, 2016: Communion Meditation
- July 10, 2016: Communion Meditation
- July 3, 2016: Communion Meditation
- June 26, 2016: Communion Meditation
- June 19, 2016: Communion Meditation
- June 12, 2016: Communion Meditation
- June 5, 2016: Communion Meditation
- May 29, 2016: Communion Meditation
- May 22, 2016: Communion Meditation
- May 15, 2016: Communion Meditation
- May 8, 2016: Communion Meditation
- May 1, 2016: Communion Meditation
- April 24, 2016: Communion Meditation
- April 10, 2016: Communion Meditation
- April 3, 2016: Communion Meditation
- March 25, 2016: Communion Meditation
- March 20, 2016: Communion Meditation
- March 13, 2016: Communion Meditation
- March 6, 2016: Communion Meditation
- February 28, 2016: Communion Meditation
- February 21, 2016: Communion Meditation
- February 14, 2016: Communion Meditation
- February 7, 2016: Communion Meditation
- January 31, 2016: Communion Meditation
- January 24, 2016: Communion Meditation
- January 17, 2016: Communion Meditation
- January 10, 2016: Communion Meditation
- January 3, 2016: Communion Meditation
- December 27, 2015: Communion Meditation
- December 20, 2015: Communion Meditation
- December 13, 2015: Communion Meditation
- December 6, 2015: Communion Meditation
- November 22, 2015: Communion Meditation
- November 15, 2015: Communion Meditation
- November 8, 2015: Communion Meditation
- November 1, 2015: Communion Meditation
- October 25, 2015: Communion Meditation
- October 18, 2015: Communion Meditation
- October 11, 2015: Communion Meditation
- October 4, 2015: Communion Meditation
- September 27, 2015: Communion Meditation
- September 20, 2015: Communion Meditation
- September 6, 2015: Communion Meditation
- August 30, 2015: Communion Meditation
- August 23, 2015: Communion Meditation
- August 16, 2015: Communion Meditation
- August 9, 2015: Communion Meditation
- August 2, 2015: Communion Meditation
- July 26, 2015: Communion Meditation
- July 12, 2015: Communion Meditation
- June 28, 2015: Communion Meditation
- June 21, 2015: Communion Meditation
- June 14, 2015: Communion Meditation
- June 7, 2015: Communion Meditation
- May 31, 2015: Communion Meditation
- May 24, 2015: Communion Meditation
- May 17, 2015: Communion Meditation
- May 10, 2015: Communion Meditation
- May 3, 2015: Communion Meditation
- April 26, 2015: Communion Meditation
- April 19, 2015: Communion Meditation
- March 29, 2015: Communion Meditation
- Communion Meditation 03/22/15
- March 15, 2015: Communion Meditation
- March 8, 2015: Communion Meditation
- March 1, 2015: Communion Meditation
- February 22, 2015: Communion Meditation
- February 15, 2015: Communion Meditation
- February 8, 2015: Communion Meditation
- January 25, 2015: Communion Meditation
- January 18, 2015: Communion Meditation
- January 4, 2015: Communion Meditation
- December 28, 2014: Communion Meditation
- December 21, 2014: Communion Meditation
- December 14, 2014: Communion Meditation
- December 7, 2014: Communion Meditation
- November 30, 2014: Communion Meditation
- November 16, 2014: Communion Meditation
- November 9, 2014: Communion Meditation
- November 2, 2014: Communion Meditation
- October 26, 2014: Communion Meditation
- October 19, 2014: Communion Meditation
- October 12, 2014: Communion Meditation
- October 5, 2014: Communion Meditation
- September 28, 2014: Communion Meditation
- September 14, 2014: Communion Meditation
- September 7, 2014: Communion Meditation
- August 31, 2014: Communion Meditation
- August 24, 2014: Communion Meditation
- August 17, 2014: Communion Meditation
- August 10, 2014: Communion Meditation
- August 3, 2014: Communion Meditation
- July 27, 2014: Communion Meditation
- July 20, 2014: Communion Meditation
- July 13, 2014: Communion Meditation
- July 6, 2014: Communion Meditation
- June 29, 2014: Communion Meditation
- June 22, 2014: Communion Meditation
- June 8, 2014: Communion Meditation
- June 1, 2014: Communion Meditation
- May 18, 2014: Communion Meditation
- May 11, 2014: Communion Meditation
- May 4, 2014: Communion Meditation
- April 27, 2014: Communion Meditation
- April 13, 2014: Communion Meditation
- April 6, 2014: Communion Meditation
- March 30, 2014: Communion Meditation
- March 16, 2014: Communion Meditation
- March 9, 2014: Communion Meditation
- March 2, 2014: Communion Meditation
- February 23, 2014: Communion Meditation
- February 16, 2014: Communion Meditation
- February 9, 2014: Communion Meditation
- February 2, 2014: Communion Meditation
- January 19, 2014: Communion Meditation
- January 12, 2014: Communion Meditation
- December 29, 2013: Communion Meditation
- December 22, 2013: Communion Meditation
- December 15, 2013: Communion Meditation
- December 1, 2013: Communion Meditation
- November 24, 2013: Communion Meditation
- November 17, 2013: Communion Meditation
- November 10, 2013: Communion Meditation
- November 3, 2013: Communion Meditation
- October 27, 2013: Communion Meditation
- October 20, 2013: Communion Meditation
- October 13, 2013: Communion Meditation
- October 06, 2013: Communion Meditation
- September 29, 2013: Communion Meditation
- September 15, 2013: Communion Meditation
- September 8, 2013: Communion Meditation
- September 1, 2013: Communion Meditation - Thought You Do Not See Him (1 Peter 1:8-9) by Jacob Hantla
- August 25, 2013: Communion Meditation
- August 18, 2013: Communion Meditation
- August 11, 2013: Communion Meditation
- August 4, 2013: Communion Meditation
- July 28, 2013: Communion Meditation
- July 21, 2013: Communion Meditation
- July 14, 2013: Communion Meditation
- July 7, 2013: Communion Meditation
- June 30, 2013: Communion Meditation: Remember Jesus (Jacob Hantla)
- June 23, 2013: Communion Meditation
- June 16, 2013: Communion Meditation
- June 9, 2013: Communion Meditation
- June 2, 2013: Communion Meditation
- May 26, 2013: Communion Meditation
- May 5, 2013: Communion Meditation
- April 28, 2013: Communion Meditation
- April 14, 2013: Communion Meditation
- April 7, 2013: Communion Meditation
- March 17, 2013: When Should A Christian Not Eat and Drink Communion?
- March 10, 2013: Communion Meditation
- March 3, 2013: Communion Meditation
- February 24, 2014: Communion Meditation
- February 17, 2013: Communion Meditation
- February 10, 2013: Communion Meditation
- February 3, 2013: Communion Meditation
- January 27, 2013: Communion Meditation
- January 20, 2013: Communion Meditation
- January 13, 2013: Communion Meditation
- January 06, 2013: Communion Meditation
- December 23, 2012: Communion Meditation
- December 16, 2012: Communion Meditation
- December 09, 2012: Communion Meditation
- December 02, 2012: Communion Meditation
- November 25, 2012: Communion Meditation
- November 18, 2012: Communion Meditation
- November 11, 2012: Communion Meditation
- November 4, 2012: Communion Meditation
- October 21, 2012: Communion Meditation
- October 14, 2012: Communion Meditation
- October 07, 2012: Communion Meditation
- September 30, 2012: Communion Meditation
- September 09, 2012: Communion Meditation
- September 02, 2012: Communion Meditation
- August 19, 2012: Communion Meditation
- August 12, 2012: Communion Meditation
- August 05, 2012: Communion Meditation
- July 29, 2012: Communion Meditation
- July 22, 2012: Communion Meditation
- July 08, 2012: Communion Meditation
- July 1, 2012: Communion Meditation
- June 24, 2012: Communion Meditation
- June 17, 2012: The Unworthy Manner - Communion Meditation
- June 10, 2012: Communion Meditation
- June 03, 2012: Communion Meditation
- May 27, 2012: Communion Meditation
- April 29, 2012: Communion Meditation
- April 15, 2012: Communion Meditation
- April 1, 2012: Communion Meditation
- March 25, 2012: Communion Meditation
- March 18, 2012: Communion Meditation
- March 4, 2012: Communion Meditation
- February 26, 2012: Communion Meditation
- February 19, 2012: Communion Meditation
- February 12, 2012: Communion Meditation
- January 29, 2012: Communion Meditation
- January 22, 2012: Communion Meditation
- January 8, 2012: Communion Meditation
- January 1, 2012: Communion Meditation
- 12/18/11 - Communion
- 12/11/11 - Communion
- 12/4/11 - Communion
- 11/27/11 - Communion
- 11/6/11 - Communion
- 10/30/11 - Communion
- 10/23/11 - Communion
- 10/16/11 - Communion
- 10/9/11 - Communion
- 10/2/11 - Communion
- 9/11/11 - Communion
- 9/4/11 - Communion
- 8/21/11 - Communion
- 8/7/11 - Communion
- 7/31/11 - Communion
- 7/24/11 - Communion
- 7/17/11 - Communion
- 7/3/11 - Communion
- 6/26/11 - Communion
- 6/19/11 - Communion
- 5/22/11 - Communion
- 5/15/11 - Communion
- 5/8/11 - Communion
- 5/1/11 - Communion
- 4/17/11 - Communion
- 4/10/11 - Communion
- 4/3/11 - Communion
- 3/20/11 - Communion
- 3/13/11 - Communion
- 2/27/11 - Communion
- 2/20/11 - Communion
- 2/13/11 - Communion
- 2/6/11 - Communion
- 1/30/11 - Communion
- 1/23/11 - Communion
- 1/9/11 - Communion
- 1/2/11 - Communion
- 12/26/10 - Communion
- 12/19/10 - Communion
- 12/12/10 - Communion
- 11/28/10 - Communion
- 11/14/10 - Communion
- 11/7/10 - Communion
- 10/31/10 - Communion
- 10/24/10 - Communion
- 9/26/10 - Communion
- 9/19/10 - Communion
- 9/5/10 - Communion
- 8/29/10 - Communion
- 8/8/10 - Communion
- 8/1/10 - Communion
- 7/25/10 - Communion
- 7/18/10 - Communion
- 7/11/10 - Communion
- 7/4/10 - Communion
- 6/27/10 - Communion
- 6/20/10 - Communion
- 6/6/2010 - Communion
- 5/30/2010 - Communion
- 5/16/2010 - Communion
- 5/9/2010 - Communion
- 5/2/2010 - Communion
- 4/25/2010 - Communion
- 4/11/2010 - Communion
- 3/28/2010 - Communion
- 3/21/2010 - Communion
- 3/14/2010 - Communion
- 2/21/2010 - Communion
- 2/7/2010 - Communion
- 1/24/2010 - Communion
- 1/17/2010 - Communion
- 1/10/2010 - Communion
- 1/3/2010 - Communion
- (D3:Ministry) Soul Care in the Church
- (D1: The Heart) Honoring the Lord in Our Bible Reading
- (D2: The Home) Building Up or Tearing Down? (Proverbs 14:1)
- (D1: The Heart) Hannah: A Lesson on Prayer, Trust and Praise from 1 Samuel 1 & 2
- (D1: The Heart) Guarding My Heart (Proverbs 4:23)
- (D1: The Heart, D2: The Home, D3: Ministry) Women Encouraging Women
- (D1: The Heart) Shepherding My Heart Throughout the Day
- Wellspring: Bearing God's Image as Biblical Women
- Wellspring: Gospel Implications For My Heart
- Wellspring: Vision and Purpose
- Wellspring: (D1:The Heart) Kardiosclerosis
- Wellspring: (D1:The Heart) Train Yourself for Godliness
- Wellspring: (D1:The Heart; D2:The Home; D3:Ministry) Proverbs 31
- Wellspring: (D1:The Heart) Repentance/Forgiveness
- Wellspring: (D3:The Ministry) Soul Care in the Church
- Wellspring: (D1:The Heart) Contentment
- Wellspring: (D1:The Heart) Honoring the Lord In Our Bible Reading
- Wellspring: (D1:The Heart) Prayer & the Wellspring Disciplines
- Wellspring: (D1:The Heart) Shepherding Our Hearts Day by Day
- Wellspring: (D1:The Heart) The Life of Mary
- Wellspring: (D1:The Heart, D2:The Home, D3:The Ministry) Women Encouraging Women (Titus 2:3-5)
- Wellspring: (D3:The Ministry) The One Anothers of Scripture
- Wellspring: (D1:The Heart) Guarding My Heart (Proverbs 4:23)
- Wellspring: (D1:The Heart, D2:The Home) A Biblical Survey of the Household & Family
- Wellspring: (D1:The Heart) Gospel Implications for My Heart
- Wellspring: The Vision and Purpose and WS 101/201
- Wellspring: (D1:The Heart) Kardiosclerosis
- Wellspring: (D2:The Home) Wisdom vs. Foolishness
- Wellspring: (D1:The Heart, D2:The Home, D3:Ministry) Survey of Women in the Bible
- Wellspring: (D1:The Heart, D2:The Home, D3:Ministry) Biblical Decision Making
- Wellspring: (D1:The Heart, D2:The Home, D3:Ministry) Biblical Womanhood
- Wellspring: (D3:Ministry) Hospitality
- Wellspring: (D1:The Heart) Sanctified by Prayer
- Wellspring: (D2:The Home, D3:Ministry) Peacemaking: Responding to Conflict Biblically
- Wellspring: (D1:The Heart) Guarding My Heart (Proverbs 4:23)
- Wellspring: (D3: Ministry) Caring for One Another in the Body of Christ (1 Thessalonians 5:14)
- Wellspring: (D1:The Heart) Shepherding My Heart Throughout the Day
- Wellspring: (D1:The Heart) Honoring the Lord in Our Bible Reading
- Wellspring: (D2:The Home) A Biblical Survey of the Household and Family
- Wellspring: (D1:The Heart, D2:The Home, D3:Ministry) Women Encouraging Women (Titus 2:3-5)
- Wellspring: (D1:The Heart) Gospel Implications for My Heart
- Wellspring: The Vision and Purpose and WS 101/201
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart) Kardiosclerosis
- Wellspring: (D3: Ministry) Paul's Example of Ministry (1 Thessalonians 1-2)
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart, D2: The Home, D3: Ministry) Survey of the Promises of God
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart, D2: The Home, D3: Ministry) Cultivating a Life of Prayer
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart) Honoring the Lord in Our Bible Reading
- Wellspring: (D2: Ministry) Survey of Biblical Counseling
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart) Pride Versus Humility
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart) The Hidden Person of the Heart
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart) Repentance
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart) Shepherding My Heart Throughout the Day
- Wellspring: (D2: The Heart) Guarding My Heart (Proverbs 4:23)
- Wellspring: (D3: Ministry) The One Anothers: The Practice of Biblical Relationships
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart, D2: The Home, D3: Ministry) Women Encouraging Women (Titus 2:3-5)
- Wellspring: (D2: The Home) Building Our Homes with God's Word
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart) Gospel Implications for My Heart
- Wellspring: The Vision and Purpose of GBC
- Wellspring: (D2: The Home, D3: Ministry) Peace Making: Responding to Conflict Biblically
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart) Hidden Person of the Heart
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart, D2: The Home, D3: Ministry) Cultivating a Life of Prayer
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart) Hannah and Prayer
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart) Survey of Women in the Bible
- Wellspring: (D3: Ministry) Paul’s Example of Ministry
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart) God’s Word and Rest for Our Soul
- Wellspring: (D2: The Home) Building Up or Tearing Down (Proverbs 14:1)
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart) Honoring the Lord in Our Bible Reading
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart) Guarding My Heart (Proverbs 4:23)
- Wellspring: (D2: The Home) The Importance God Places on Household Relationships
- Wellspring: (D3: Ministry) The One Anothers: The Practice of Biblical Relationships
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart) Shepherding My Heart Throughout the Day
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart, D2: The Home, D3: Ministry) Women Encouraging Women (Titus 2:3-5)
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart) Gospel Implications for My Heart
- Wellspring: Vision and Purpose of GBC
- Wellspring: Class Resources (Throughout the Year)
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart) The Danger of Pride and the Hope of the Gospel
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart) Troubling and Comforting Truths for My Heart
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart, D2: The Home, D3: Ministry) Discipline Wrap-Up
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart, D2: The Home, D3: Ministry) Biblical Decision Making
- Wellspring: (D3: Ministry) Caring for One Another in the Body of Christ (1 Thessalonians 5:14)
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart, D2: The Home, D3: Ministry) Bearing God's Image as Biblical Women
- Wellspring: (D2: The Home) The Importance God Places on Household Relationships
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart) Guarding My Heart (Proverbs 4:23)
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart, D2: The Home, D3: Ministry) Mary & Martha (Luke 10:38-42)
- Wellspring: (D3: Ministry) The One Anothers: The Practice of Biblical Relationships
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart, D2: The Home, D3: Ministry) Women Encouraging Women (Titus 2:3-5)
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart) Shepherding My Heart Throughout the Day
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart) Honoring the Lord in our Bible Reading
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart) Gospel Implications for My Heart
- Wellspring: Vision and Purpose of GBC
- Wellspring: Additional Resources
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart, D2: The Home, D3: Ministry): Discipline Wrap-Up
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart): Guarding My Heart (Proverbs 4:23)
- Wellspring: (D3: Ministry): Caring For One Another in the Body of Christ (1 Thessalonians 5:14)
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart): Honoring the Lord in Our Bible Reading
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart): "Kardiosclerosis": The Dangers, Causes & Remedies
- Wellspring: (D2: The Home, D3: Ministry): Peace Making: Responding to Conflict Biblically
- Wellspring: (D3: Ministry): The One Anothers: The Practice of Biblical Relationships
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart): Shepherding My Heart Throughout the Day
- Wellspring: (D2: The Home): Building Up or Tearing Down (Proverbs 14:1)
- Wellspring: (D2: The Home): Bearing God's Image as Biblical Women
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart, D2: The Home, D3: Ministry): Cultivating A Life Of Prayer
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart, D2: The Home, D3: Ministry) Women Encouraging Women (Titus 2:3-5)
- Wellspring: (D2: The Home): A Whole Bible Survey of the Home
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart): Gospel Implications for My Heart
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart): Wellspring 101
- Wellspring: The Vision and Purpose of Grace Bible Church
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart): Guarding My Heart
- Wellspring: (D3: Ministry): The Believer’s Unnatural Mode of Operation (Romans 12)
- Wellspring: (D3: Ministry): The Practice of Biblical Relationships (The “One Another’s”)
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart, D2: The Home, D3: Ministry): Cultivating a Life of Prayer
- Wellspring: (D2: The Home): Building Up or Tearing Down (Proverbs 14:1)
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart): Honoring the Lord (and controlling ourselves) in our Bible Reading
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart, D2: The Home, D3: Ministry): The Life of Abigail
- Wellspring: (D2: The Home): Bearing God's Image in Unity and Love
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart): The Danger of Pride and the Hope of the Gospel
- Wellspring: (D2: The Home, D3: Ministry): Women Encouraging Women (Titus 2:3-5)
- Wellspring: (D2: The Home): A Whole Survey of the Home
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart): "Kardiosclerosis": The Dangers, Causes & Remedies
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart): Shepherding My Heart Throughout the Day
- Wellspring: (D1: The Heart): Gospel Implications for Your Heart
- Wellspring Saturday: The Vision and Purpose of Grace Bible Church
- Wellspring Thursday: The Vision and Purpose of Grace Bible Church
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart): Revelation 2
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart, D2: The Home, D3: Ministry): Abigail
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart): Revelation 2
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart, D2: The Home, D3: Ministry): Abigail
- Wellspring Saturday: (D3: Ministry): The Practice of Biblical Relationships (The “One Another’s”)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart): Four Questions for My Heart from Proverbs
- Wellspring Saturday: (D2: The Home): Bearing God's Image
- Wellspring Midweek: (D3: Ministry): The Practice of Biblical Relationships (The "One Another's")
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home): Bearing God's Image
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart): Pride
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart): Pride
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home): Deuteronomy 6:1-9
- Wellspring Saturday: (D3: Ministry): Paul's Example of Ministry (1 Thessalonians 1-2)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D3: Ministry): How the Body Cares for Itself (1 Thessalonians 5:14)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D3: Ministry): Paul's Example of Ministry (1 Thessalonians 1-2)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D2: The Home): Building Up or Tearing Down? (Proverbs 14:1)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home): Building Up or Tearing Down? (Proverbs 14:1)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart): Honoring the Lord in Our Bible Reading
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart): Honoring the Lord in Our Bible Reading
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart): Guarding Your Heart (Proverbs 4:23)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart): Guarding Your Heart (Proverbs 4:23)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart): Mary The Mother of Jesus
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart, D2: The Home, D3: Ministry): Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home, D3: Ministry): Peacemaking - Resolving Conflict Biblically
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart): Hannah and Prayer
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart, D2: The Home, D3: Ministry): Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart): Shepherding My Heart Throughout the Day
- Wellspring Saturday: (D2: The Home, D3: Ministry): Women Encouraging Women (Titus 2:3-5)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart): Shepherding My Heart Throughout the Day
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart): The Discipline of Shepherding My Heart
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home, D3: Ministry): Women Encouraging Women (Titus 2:3-5)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart): The Discipline of Shepherding My Heart
- Wellspring Saturday: (D2: The Home): A Whole Bible Survey of the Home
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home): A Whole Bible Survey of the Home
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart): Gospel Implications for Your Heart
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart): Gospel Implications for Your Heart
- Wellspring Midweek: The Vision and Purpose of Grace Bible Church
- Wellspring Saturday: The Vision and Purpose of Grace Bible Church
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) Revelation 2
- Wellspring Saturday: (D3: The Ministry) 1 Thessalonians 5:14
- Wellspring Saturday: (D3: The Ministry) 1 Thessalonians 1
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) Revelation 2
- Wellspring Midweek: (D3: The Ministry) 1 Thessalonians 5:14
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) The Danger of Pride
- Wellspring Midweek: (D3: The Ministry) 1 Thessalonians 1
- Wellspring Saturday: (D2: The Home) Women Encouraging Women (Titus 2:3-5)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) Galatians 5
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) The Danger of Pride
- Wellspring Saturday: (D2: The Home) Biblical Womanhood
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home) Women Encouraging Women (Titus 2:3-5)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart, D2: The Home) The Life of Abigail
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home) Proverbs 14:1
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart, D2: The Home) The Life of Abigail
- Wellspring Saturday: (D2: The Home) A Whole Bible Survey of the Home
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home) Biblical Womanhood
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) Proverbs 4:23
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home) A Whole Bible Survey of the Home
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1:The Heart) The Life of Mary, Mother of Jesus
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) The Beatitudes (Matthew 5-7)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) Proverbs 4:23
- Wellspring Saturday: (D2: The Home, D3: Ministry) Mary and Martha
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) The Beatitudes (Matthew 5-7)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) Shepherding My Heart Throughout the Day
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home, D3: The Ministry) Mary & Martha
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) Shepherding My Heart Throughout the Day
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) Hannah
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) Hannah
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) Prayer
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) Prayer
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) The Discipline of Shepherding My Heart
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) A Whole Bible Survey of the Heart
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) A Whole Bible Survey of the Heart
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) Gospel Implications for My Heart
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) Gospel Implications For My Heart (Part 2)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) Gospel Implications For My Heart (Part 1)
- Wellspring Saturday: The Vision and Purpose of Grace Bible Church
- Wellspring Midweek: The Vision and Purpose of Grace Bible Church
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) Revelation 2:1-7
- Wellspring Saturday: (D3: Ministry) Paul's Example in 1 Thessalonians 1 and 2
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) Revelation 2:1-7
- Wellspring Midweek: (D3: Ministry) 1 Thessalonians 5:14
- Wellspring Saturday: (D3: Ministry) 1 Thessalonians 5:14
- Wellspring Midweek: (D3: Ministry) 1 Thessalonians 2
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) The Danger of Pride
- Wellspring Midweek: (D3: Ministry) 1 Thessalonians 1
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) God's Word and Rest for Our Soul (Hebrews 4:11-13)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D2: The Home) Bearing God's Image
- Wellspring Midweek: (D3: Ministry) 1 Thessalonians 5:14
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home, D3: Ministry) Peacemaking
- Wellspring Saturday: (D2: The Home) Biblical Womanhood
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home) Bearing God's Image
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home) Proverbs 14:1
- Wellspring Saturday: (D2: The Home, D3: Ministry) Peacemaking - Resolving Conflict Biblically
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home) Biblical Womanhood
- Wellspring Saturday: (D2: The Home) A Whole Bible Survey of the Home
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) Galatians 5
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home) A Whole Bible Survey of the Home
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) Guarding My Heart (Proverbs 4:23)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) Guarding My Heart (Proverbs 4:23)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) The Discipline of Shepherding My Heart in Prayer
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) The Discipline of Shepherding My Heart (Part 2)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D2: The Home, D3: Ministry) Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home, D3: Ministry) Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) The Discipline of Shepherding My Heart (Part 1)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) Listening to Yourself vs. Shepherding Your Heart Throughout the Day
- Wellspring Midweek: (D3: Ministry) Women Encouraging Women (Titus 2:3-5)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D3: Ministry) Women Encouraging Women (Titus 2:3-5)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) A Whole Bible Survey of the Heart (Part 2)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) A Whole Bible Survey of the Heart (Part 1)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) A Whole Bible Survey of the Heart
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) New Creation, Gospel Implications for My Heart (Part 2)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) Gospel Implications for My Heart
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) New Creation, Gospel Implications for My Heart (Part 1)
- Wellspring Midweek: The Vision and Purpose of Grace Bible Church
- Wellspring Saturday: The Vision and Purpose of Grace Bible Church
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) Jesus’ Evaluation of the Church at Ephesus (Revelation 2:1-7)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D3: Ministry) How the Body Cares for Itself (1 Thessalonians 5:14)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) Troubling and Comforting Truths for My Heart
- Wellspring Midweek: (D3: Ministry) The Example of Paul (1 Thessalonians 1:5-10)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart, D2: The Home, D3: Ministry) Peacemaking
- Wellspring Midweek: (D3: Ministry) The Example of Paul (1 Thessalonians 1:5-10)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D2: The Home) Building Our Home with God’s Word (Deuteronomy 6)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart, D2: The Home, D3: Ministry) Peacemaking
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) The Danger of Pride
- Wellspring Midweek: (D3: Ministry) Women Encouraging Women (Titus 2:3-5)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) Proverbs 4:23
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home) Bearing God’s Image As Biblical Women (Part 2)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home) Bearing God’s Image As Biblical Women (Part 1)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home) Bearing God’s Image As Biblical Women (Part 1)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D3: Ministry) The Example of Paul (1 Thessalonians 1:1-3:10)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home) Building Up or Tearing Down? (Proverbs 14:1)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D2: The Home) Bearing God’s Image As Biblical Women
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) The Discipline of Shepherding My Heart
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home) A Whole Bible Survey of the Home (Part 2)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) The Discipline of Shepherding My Heart
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home) A Whole Bible Survey of the Home (Part 1)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) Are You Passionate for Salvation’s Rest? (Hebrews 4:11-13)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) Guarding My Heart (Proverbs 4:23)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D2: The Home, D3: Ministry) Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home, D3: Ministry) Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) The Discipline of Shepherding My Heart (Part 2)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D3: Ministry) Women Encouraging Women (Titus 2:3-5)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) The Discipline of Shepherding My Heart (Part 1)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D2: The Home) A Whole Bible Survey of the Home
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) God's Word and Rest for Our Souls (Hebrews 4:11-13) (Part 2)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) God's Word and Rest for Our Souls (Hebrews 4:11-13) (Part 1)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) A Whole Bible Survey of the Heart
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) A Whole Bible Survey of the Heart (Part 2)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) A Whole Bible Survey of the Heart (Part 1)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) Gospel Implications for My Heart
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) Gospel Implications for My Heart (Part 2)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) Gospel Implications For My Heart (Part 1)
- Wellspring Saturday: The Vision and Purpose of Grace Bible Church
- Wellspring Midweek: The Vision and Purpose of Grace Bible Church
- Wellspring Saturday: The Vision and Purpose of Grace Bible Church
- Wellspring Saturday: (D3: Ministry) Paul's Example (1 Thessalonians)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart, D2: Home, D3: Ministry) How to Study the Bible
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart, D2: Home, D3: Ministry) Peacemaking
- Wellspring Saturday: (D2: The Home, D3: Ministry) Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart, D2: Home, D3: Ministry) Women Encouraging Women (Titus 2)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D2: The Home) Bearing God's Image in Singleness and Marriage
- Wellspring Saturday: (D2: The Home) Biblical Womanhood
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) Guarding the Heart (Proverbs 4:23)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D2: The Home) Building Up or Tearing Down? (Proverbs 14:1)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D2: The Home) A Whole Bible Survey of the Home
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) The Discipline of Shepherding My Heart
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) God's Word and Rest for Our Souls (Hebrews 4:11-13)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) A Whole Bible Survey of the Heart
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: Heart) Gospel Implications for My Heart
- Wellspring Saturday: Overview
- Wellspring Saturday: The Vision and Purpose of GBC
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) Troubling and Comforting Truths for My Heart
- Wellspring Saturday: (D3: Ministry) The Example of Paul (Part 2) (1 Thessalonians 1:5-10)
- Wellspring Midweek: The Vision and Purpose of GBC
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) Troubling and Comforting Truths for My Heart
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D3: Ministry) The Example of Paul (1 Thessalonians 1:5-10)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D3: Ministry) Paul's Example, (Part 4) (1 Thessalonians 2)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D2: The Home, D3: Ministry) Mary & Martha (Luke 10:38-42)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D3: Ministry) Paul's Example, (Part 3) (1 Thessalonians 2)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D3: Ministry) Paul's Example, (Part 2) (1 Thessalonians 1)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D3: Ministry) Paul's Example, (Part 1) (1 Thessalonians 1)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D2: The Home) Women Encouraging Women (Titus 2:3-5)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home, D3: Ministry) Mary & Martha (Luke 10:38-42)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home) Women Encouraging Women (Titus 2:3-5)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D2: The Home) Bearing God's Image in Singleness and Marriage
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home) Bearing God's Image in Singleness and Marriage (Part 2)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home) Bearing God's Image in Singleness and Marriage (Part 1)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D2: The Home) Biblical Womanhood
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home) Biblical Womanhood
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) Proverbs 4:23
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) Proverbs 4:23
- Wellspring Saturday: Devotional and Fellowship
- Wellspring Saturday: (D2: The Home) Proverbs 14:1: Building Up or Tearing Down?
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home) Proverbs 14:1: Building Up or Tearing Down?
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home) A Biblical Survey of Home Life (Part 2)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D2: The Home) A Biblical Survey of Home Life
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home) A Biblical Survey of Home Life (Part 1)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) Salvation's Rest (Hebrews 4:11-13) (Part 2)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) Salvation’s Rest (Hebrews 4:11-13)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) Salvation's Rest (Hebrews 4:11-13) (Part 1)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) The Believer's Identity in Christ
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) The Believer's Identity in Christ
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) Biblical Survey of the Heart (Part 2b)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) Biblical Survey of the Heart (Part 2a)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) Biblical Survey of the Heart (Part 2)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) Biblical Survey of the Heart (Part 1b)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) Biblical Survey of the Heart (Part 1)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) Biblical Survey of the Heart (Part 1a)
- Wellspring Midweek: Introduction, Bible Plans, and Disciplines
- Wellspring Saturday: Introduction
- Wellspring Midweek: The Vision and Purpose of Grace Bible Church
- Wellspring Saturday: (D3: Ministry) The Example of Paul (1 Thessalonians 2:1-12) (Part 2)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D3: Ministry) The Example of Paul (1 Thessalonians 2:1-12) (Part 2)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D3: Ministry) The Example of Paul (1 Thessalonians 1:5-10)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D3: Ministry) The Example of Paul (1 Thessalonians 1:5-10)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home, D3: Ministry) Mary & Martha
- Wellspring Saturday: (D2: The Home, D3: Ministry) Titus 2:3-5
- Wellspring Saturday: (D2: The Home, D3: Ministry) Mary and Martha
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home) Titus 2:3-5
- Wellspring Saturday: (D2: The Home) Bearing God's Image in Marriage and Singleness
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home) Bearing God's Image in Marriage and Singleness
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home) Biblical Womanhood
- Wellspring Saturday: (D2: The Home) Biblical Womanhood
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) Proverbs 4:23
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) Proverbs 4:23
- Wellspring Saturday: (D2: The Home) Biblical Survey of the Home
- Wellspring Midweek: (D2: The Home) Biblical Survey of the Home
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) Hebrews 4:11-13
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) Hebrews 4:11-13
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) Biblical Survey of the Heart (Part 2)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) Biblical Survey of the Heart (Part 2)
- Wellspring Saturday: (D1: The Heart) Biblical Survey of the Heart (Part 1)
- Wellspring Midweek: (D1: The Heart) Biblical Survey of the Heart (Part 1)
- D4: The Qualifications (Deacons), 1 Timothy 3:8-13
- (D3: The Ministry) Paul’s Gospel Ministry, 1 Thessalonians 1:4-2:12
- (D1: The Heart) Biblical Repentance - 2 Corinthians 7:9-11
- (D3: Ministry) The Practice of Biblical Relationships (The “One Anothers”)
- (D1: The Heart) Guarding My Heart (Proverbs 4:23)
- Build: (D1:Heart) Confronting Patterns of Sin
- Build: (D3: 1Thessalonians 5:14) Four Imperatives for Church Relationships
- Build: (D2: The Home) A Biblical Survey of the Home
- Build: (D1: The Heart) God's Transformation of Man Part 2
- Build: (D1: The Heart) God's Transformation of Man Part 1
- Build: (D5:The Hermeneutic) The Hermeneutic - Honoring the Lord in our Bible Reading
- Build: (D2:The Home) Hospitality
- Build: (D1:The Heart) Four Questions for My Heart from Proverbs
- Build: (D5:The Hermeneutic) Scripture’s Testimony of Itself
- Build: (D3:The Ministry) Soul Care in the Church
- Build: (D4:The Qualifications) Elder Qualifications
- Build: (D1:The Heart) Biblical Repentance
- Build: (D1-D3: The Heart, The Home, The Ministry) Forgiveness, Reconciliation & Conflict Resolution
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Guarding My Heart (Proverbs 4:23)
- Build: (D3: The Ministry) Serving in the Church
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Train Yourself for Godliness
- Build: (D3: The Ministry) The One Anothers of Scripture
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Your Heart & Your Doctrine
- Build: (D3: The Ministry) Paul's Gospel Ministry
- Build: (D1: The Heart) God's Transformation of Man (Part 2)
- Build: (D1: The Heart) God's Transformation of Man (Part 1)
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Train Yourself for Godliness
- Build: (D3: The Ministry) Admonish, Encourage and Help (1 Thessalonians 5:14)
- Build: (D5: The Hermeneutic) The Hermeneutic
- Build: (D2: The Home) A N.T. Survey of the man of the house
- Build: (D3: The Ministry) The One Anothers of Scripture
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Lessons for My Heart from Israel's Kings
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Biblical Repentance
- Build: (D1: The Heart, D2: The Home, D3: The Ministry ) Forgiveness, Reconciliation, & Conflict Resolution
- Build: (D4: The Qualifications) Deacon Qualifications
- Build: (D1: The Heart, D2: The Home, D3: The Ministry) Biblical Decision Making
- Build: (D2: The Home) Leading Our Homes in the Management of Our Resources
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Guarding My Heart from Proverbs
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Your Heart & Your Doctrine
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Troubling & Comforting Truths for My Heart
- Build: (D1: The Heart) God's Transformation of Man (Part 2)
- Build: (D1: The Heart) God's Transformation of Man (Part 1)
- Build: (D1: The Heart, D2: The Home, D3: The Ministry) The Disciplines’ Relationship to One Another
- Build: (D2: The Home) A Biblical Survey of the Home
- Build: (D1: The Heart, D2: The Home, D3: The Ministry) Forgiveness, Reconciliation, & Conflict Resolution
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Biblical Repentance
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Guarding My Heart from Proverbs
- Build: (D4: The Qualifications) Biblical Change
- Build: (D3: The Ministry) Paul’s Gospel Ministry, 1 Thessalonians 1:4-2:12
- Build: (D1: The Heart, D5: The Hermeneutic) Honoring the Lord in Our Bible Reading
- Build: (D2: The Home) Leading Our Households in the Management of Resources (Part 2)
- Build: (D2: The Home) Leading Our Households in the Management of Resources (Part 1)
- Build: (D1: The Heart, D2: The Home, D4: The Qualifications) Zero Tolerance: Combating Sexual Sin In Your Heart & Home
- Build: (D2: The Home) Wrong Ideas About a Husband's Authority
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Troubling and Comforting Truths for My Heart
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Your Heart & Your Doctrine (1 Timothy 1:3-7)
- Build: (D1: The Heart) God's Transformation of Man (Part 2)
- Build: (D1: The Heart) God's Transformation of Man (Part 1)
- Build: (D1: The Heart, D2: the Home, D3: The Ministry, D4: The Qualifications) Biblical Decision Making and the Fallacy of "Finding" God's Will
- Build: (D2: The Home) Leading Our Household in the Management of Resources
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Four Questions for My Heart from Proverbs
- Build: (D4: The Qualifications) Deacon Qualifications
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Lessons for My Heart from Israel's Kings
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Troubling and Comforting Truths for My Heart
- Build: (D2: The Home) Biblical Imperatives for Marriage
- Build: (D1: The Heart, D2: The Home, D3: The Ministry) Biblical Repentance
- Build: (D3: The Ministry) Paul’s Gospel Ministry, 1 Thessalonians 1:4-2:12
- Build: (D3: The Ministry) The Practice of Biblical Relationships (The “One Anothers”)
- Build: (D2: The Home) A Biblical Survey of the Home
- Build: (D1: The Heart) The Discipline of Shepherding My Heart
- Build: (D1: The Heart, D5: The Hermeneutic) Honoring the Lord in Our Bible Reading
- Build: (D1: The Heart) God's Transformation of Man (Part 2)
- Build: (D1: The Heart) God's Transformation of Man
- Build: Vision and Purpose of GBC
- Build: Class Resources (Throughout the Year)
- Build: (D5: The Hermeneutic) Honoring the Lord in our Bible Reading
- Build: (D1-D4: The Heart, The Home, The Ministry, The Qualifications) Biblical Decision Making and the Fallacy of "Finding" God's Will
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Four Questions for My Heart from Proverbs
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Lessons for My Heart from Israel’s Kings
- Build: (D3: The Ministry) The One Anothers and Smallgroups
- Build: (D1-D3: The Heart, The Home, The Ministry) Biblical Repentance (2 Corinthians 7:9-11)
- Build: (D2: The Home) Husbands, Love Your Wives (Ephesians 5:22-23)
- Build: (D1: The Heart) The Discipline of Shepherding My Heart
- Build: (D3: The Ministry) Paul's Gospel Ministry (1 Thessalonians 1-2)
- Build: (D2: The Home) A Biblical Survey of Household Relationships
- Build: (D1: The Heart): Troubling and Comforting Truths for My Heart
- Build: (D1: The Heart) God’s Transformation of Man (Part 2)
- Build: (D1: The Heart) God’s Transformation of Man
- Build: Vision and Purpose of GBC
- Build: (D4: The Qualifications) (for elder) - 1 Timothy 3:1-7
- Build: (D5: The Hermeneutic) Honoring the Lord (and controlling ourselves) in our Bible Reading
- Build: (D2: The Home) Marriage
- Build: (D1-D4: The Heart, The Home, The Ministry, The Qualifications) Biblical Decision Making and the Fallacy of "Finding" God's Will
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Lessons for My Heart from Israel’s Kings
- Build: (D3: The Ministry) The One Anothers - The Practice of Biblical Relationships
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Biblical Repentance
- Build: (D2: The Home) A Biblical Survey of the Home
- Build: (D3: The Ministry) Paul’s Gospel Ministry (1 Thessalonians 1:4-2:12)
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Four Questions for My Heart from Proverbs
- Build: (D1: The Heart) The Discipline of Shepherding My Heart
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Troubling and Comforting Truths for My Heart
- Build: (D1: The Heart) God’s Transformation of Man (Part 2)
- Build: (D1: The Heart) God’s Transformation of Man
- Build: The Vision and Purpose of Grace Bible Church
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Honoring the Lord (and controlling ourselves) in our Bible Reading
- Build: (D3: The Ministry) The Practice of Biblical Relationships (The “One Another’s”)
- Build: (D4: The Qualifications) The Elder Qualifications (1 Timothy 3:1-7)
- Build: (D1-4: The Heart, The Home, The Ministry, The Qualifications) Biblical Decision Making and the Fallacy of “Finding” God’s Will
- Build: (D3: The Ministry) Paul’s Gospel Ministry (1 Thessalonians 1:2-2:12)
- Build: (D2: The Home) Marriage
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Biblical Repentance (2 Corinthians 7:11)
- Build: (D2: The Home) Deuteronomy 6:1-9
- Build: D1: (The Heart) Lessons for My Heart from Israel’s Kings
- Build: (D2: The Home) Biblical Survey of the Household
- Build: (D1: The Heart) The Discipline of Shepherding My Heart
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Four Questions for My Heart from Proverbs
- Build: (D1: The Heart) God’s Transformation of Man (Part 2)
- Build: (D1: The Heart) God’s Transformation of Man
- Build: The Vision and Purpose of Grace Bible Church
- Build: (D5: The Hermeneutic) Hermeneutical Presuppositions
- Build: (D4: The Qualifications) Elder Qualifications (1 Timothy 3:1-7)
- Build: (D1-D4: The Heart, The Home, The Ministry, The Qualifications) The Discipline of Shepherding My Heart
- Build: (D3: The Ministry) The Practice of Biblical Relationships (The "One Anothers")
- Build: (D1-D4: The Heart, The Home, The Ministry, The Qualifications) Biblical Decision Making
- Build: (D3: The Ministry) The Ministry of Paul (1 Thessalonians 1-2)
- Build: (D2: The Home) Deuteronomy 6:1-9
- Build: (D2: The Home) Biblical Imperatives for Marriage
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Biblical Repentance (2 Corinthians 7:10, 11)
- Build: (D2: The Home) Biblical Survey of the Household
- Build: (D3: The Ministry) Admonish, Encourage, and Help (1 Thessalonians 5:14)
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Four Questions for My Heart from Proverbs
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Examples and Instructions from Israel’s Kings
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Troubling and Comforting Truths for My Heart
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Gospel Implications for Your Heart
- Build: The Vision and Purpose of Grace Bible Church
- Build: (D5: The Hermeneutic) Hermeneutical Discipline
- Build: (D5: The Hermeneutic) Hermeneutical Presuppositions
- Build: (D4: The Qualifications) Deacon Qualifications (1 Timothy 3:8-13)
- Build: (D4: The Qualifications) Elder Qualifications (1 Timothy 3:1-7)
- Build: (D1-D5: The Heart, The Home, The Ministry, The Qualifications, The Hermeneutic) Biblical Decision Making
- Build: (D3: The Ministry) 1 Thessalonians 5:14
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Fighting Sin
- Build: (D2: The Home) Imperatives for Marriage
- Build: (D3: The Ministry) The Ministry of Paul (1 Thessalonians 1-2)
- Build: (D2: The Home) Deuteronomy 6:1-9
- Build: (D2: The Home) Biblical Survey of the Household
- Build: (D1: The Heart) The Discipline of Shepherding My Heart
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Four Questions for My Heart from Proverbs
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Guarding My Heart
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Troubling and Comforting Truths for My Heart
- Build: (D1: The Heart) God's Transformation of Man
- Build: The Vision and Purpose of Grace Bible Church
- Build: (D5: The Hermeneutic) How to Study the Bible (Part 2)
- Build: (D5: The Hermeneutic) How to Study the Bible (Part 1)
- Build: (D4: The Qualifications) Elder Qualifications (1 Timothy 3; Titus 1)
- Build: (D4: The Qualifications) Deacon Qualifications (1 Timothy 5:8-13)
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Four Questions Concerning My Heart
- Build: (D3: The Ministry) 1 Thessalonians 5:14
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Proverbs 4:23
- Build: (D3: Ministry) 1 Thessalonians 1-2
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Troubling & Comforting Truths for My Heart
- Build: (D2: The Home) Marriage
- Build: (D1: The Heart) The Discipline of Shepherding My Heart (Part 2)
- Build: (D2: The Home) Titus 2:3-5
- Build: (D1: The Heart) The Discipline of Shepherding My Heart (Part 1)
- Build: (D2: The Home) Deuteronomy 6:1-9
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Gospel Implications for My Heart
- Build: The Vision and Purpose of Grace Bible Church
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Jesus’ Evaluation of the Church at Ephesus (Revelation 2:1-7)
- Build: (D5: The Hermeneutic) The Presuppositions (Part 2)
- Build: (D5: The Hermeneutic) The Presuppositions
- Build: (D4: The Qualifications) Deacon Qualifications
- Build: (D4: The Qualifications) Understanding Deacon Leadership (Acts 6)
- Build: (D3: The Ministry) Paul, Timothy & Epaphroditus (Part 2)
- Build: (D3: The Ministry) Paul, Timothy & Epaphroditus
- Build: (D2: The Home) Titus 2:3-5
- Build: (D1-D2: The Heart, The Home) Deuteronomy 6:1-9
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Galatians 5:22-23
- Build: (D1: The Heart) The Discipline of Shepherding My Heart
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Proverbs and the Heart
- Build: (D1: The Heart) A Biblical Survey of the Heart
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Gospel Implications for My Heart
- Build: The Vision and Purpose of Grace Bible Church
- Build: The Vision and Purpose of Grace Bible Church
- Build: (D5: The Hermeneutic) NT Use of the OT - An Introduction
- Build: (D5: The Hermeneutic) “Left to Right”
- Build: (D5: The Hermeneutic) The Presuppositions
- Build: (D4: The Qualifications) Deacon Qualifications
- Build: (D4: The Qualifications) Understanding Deacon Leadership (Acts 6)
- Build: (D3: The Ministry) The Example of Paul (1 Thessalonians 2:1-12) (Part 2)
- Build: (D3: The Ministry) The Example of Paul (1 Thessalonians 1:5-10) (Part 1)
- Build: (D2: The Home) Titus 2:3-5
- Build: (D2: The Home) Husbands Love Your Wives (Ephesians 5:22 - 33)
- Build: (D1-D2: The Heart, The Home) Deuteronomy 6:1-9
- Build: (D2: The Home) A Biblical Survey of the Home
- Build: (D1: The Heart) The Spiritual Discipline of Shepherding My Heart
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Are You Passionate for Salvation's Rest? (Hebrews 4:11-13)
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Troubling and Comforting Truths for My Heart
- Build: (D1: The Heart) A Biblical Survey of the Heart
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Gospel Implications for My Heart
- Build: The Vision and Purpose of GBC
- Build: (D5: The Hermeneutic) “Left to Right”
- Build: (D5: The Hermeneutic) Presuppositions (Part 2)
- Build: (D5: The Hermeneutic) Presuppositions Part 1)
- Build: (D2: The Home) "Husbands, love your wives" (Ephesians 5:22-33)
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Troubling and Comforting Truths for My Heart
- Build: (D4: The Qualifications) Deacon Qualifications (1 Timothy 3:8-13)
- Build: (D4: The Qualifications) Understanding Deacon Leadership (Acts 6)
- Build: (D3: The Ministry) The Example of Paul (Part 2) (1 Thessalonians 2:1-12)
- Build: (D3: The Ministry) The Example of Paul (Part 1) (1 Thessalonians 1:5-10)
- Build: (D2: The Home) Titus 2:3-5
- Build: (D1-D2 The Heart, The Home) Deuteronomy 6:1-9
- Build: (D2: The Home) A Biblical Survey of the Home
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Are You Passionate for Salvation's Rest? (Hebrews 4:11-13)
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Biblical Survey of the Heart (Part 2)
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Biblical Survey of the Heart (Part 1)
- Build: (D5: The Hermeneutic) (Part 3)
- Build: (D5: The Hermeneutic) (Part 2)
- Build: (D5: The Hermeneutic) (Part 1)
- Build: The Vision and Purpose of Grace Bible Church
- Build: (D2: The Home) Husbands Love Your Wives (Ephesians 5:22-33)
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Troubling and Comforting Truths for My Heart
- Build: (D4: The Qualifications) Deacon Qualifications (1 Timothy 3:8-13)
- Build: (D4: The Qualifications) Understanding Deacon Leadership (Acts 6)
- Build: (D3: The Ministry) 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12 (Part 2)
- Build: (D3: The Ministry) 1 Thessalonians 1:5-10
- Build: (D2: The Home) God's Role for the Wife
- Build: (D2: The Home) Deuteronomy 6:4-9
- Build: (D2: The Home) Biblical Survey of the Home
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Hebrews 4:11-13
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Biblical Survey of the Heart (Part 2)
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Biblical Survey of the Heart (Part 1)
- Build: (D5: The Hermeneutic) Biblical, Theological, Practical Hermeneutics (Part 2)
- Build: (D5: The Hermeneutic) Biblical, Theological, Practical Hermeneutics (Part 1)
- Build: (D2: The Home) Husbands love your wives (Ephesians 5:25-29)
- Build: The Vision, Purpose, and Gospel Mission of GBC
- Build: (D1: The Heart) 1 Timothy 1:3-7
- D4: The Qualifications - 1 Timothy 3:8-13 (Deacon qualifications)
- Build: (D4: The Qualifications) Prototype Deacons (Acts 6:1-7)
- Build: (D3: The Ministry) 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12
- Build: (D3: The Ministry) 1 Thessalonians 1:5-10
- Build: (D1-D2: The Heart, The Home) Deuteronomy 6:1-9
- Build: (D2: The Home) Biblical Survey of Home Life
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Hebrews 4:11-13
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Biblical Survey of the Heart (Part 2)
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Biblical Survey of the Heart (Part 1)
- Build: (D5: The Hermeneutic) How to Study the Bible (Part 2)
- Build: (D5: The Hermeneutic) How to Study the Bible (Part 2)
- Build: (D6: The Vision and Purpose of GBC) A Biblical Vision of God leads us to our Gospel Purpose in Christ
- Build: (D1: The Heart) Hebrews 4:12
- Build: (D2: The Home) Husbands, Love Your Wives (Ephesians 5:22-23)
- Build: (D4: The Qualifications) Deacons
- Build: (D4: The Qualifications) Understanding Deacon Leadership (Acts 6)
- Build: (D3: The Ministry) The Example of Paul, 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12 (Part 2)
- Build: (D3: The Ministry) The Example of Paul, 1 Thessalonians 1:5-10 (Part 1)
- Build: (D1-D2: The Heart, The Home) Deuteronomy 6:1-9
- Build: (D1: The Heart) A Biblical Survey of the Heart
- Build: (D1: The Heart) A Biblical Introduction to the Heart
Equipping Hours
- Equipping Hour: Jesus Commissions the Church
- Equipping Hour: Waiting (Part 4)
- Equipping Hour: Understanding Earth's Surface Through the Lens of Scripture
- Equipping Hour: Jesus Goes To The Cross
- Equipping Hour: Waiting (Part 3)
- Equipping Hour: What Is Expository Preaching
- Equipping Hour: Waiting (Part 2)
- Equipping Hour: Waiting (Part 1)
- Equipping Hour: Papua New Guinea Update
- Equipping Hour: God's Glorious Hand
- Equipping Hour: The Salvation Story of an Unlikely Convert
- Equipping Hour: Why We Sing
- Equipping Hour: Hospitality Part 3
- Equipping Hour: Hospitality Part 2
- Equipping Hour: Hospitality Part 1
- Equipping Hour: Anger part 2
- Equipping Hour: Anger
- Equipping Hour: Middle Aging and Cognitive Decline
- Equipping Hour: Interview with Bob and Kathy Taylor
- Equipping Hour: Complaining
- Equipping Hour: Decisions
- Equipping Hour: Aging
- Equipping Hour: Introspection
- Equipping Hour: Spanish Ministry
- Equipping Hour: Self Trust
- Equipping Hour: Repentance pt 2
- Equipping Hour: Repentance
- Equipping Hour: Control
- Equipping Hour: Emotions
- Equipping Hour: Contentment, part 2
- Equipping Hour: Contentment, part 1
- Equipping Hour: Toward a Biblical Theology of Fun, part 2
- Equipping Hour: Toward a Biblical Theology of Fun, part 1
- Equipping Hour: Following Christ in a Consumeristic Culture (Luke 16:19-31)
- Equipping Hour: Solus Christus: The Life of John Rogers
- Equipping Hour: Experiences
- Equipping Hour: The Sovereignty of God
- Equipping Hour: Sanctification (Part 18 - Purity of Heart)
- Equipping Hour: Sanctification (Part 18 - Purity of Heart)
- Equipping Hour: Psalm 90: Teach Us How To Live Wisely
- Equipping Hour: Gratitude
- Equipping Hour: Interview with Jeremy Lehman: An Experience with Psychotropic Medication
- Equipping Hour: FinisTerre: What God Is Doing and What’s to Come
- Equipping Hour: An Interview with Denny & Barb Pagel
- Equipping Hour: Forgiveness
- Equipping Hour: Thanatology, part 2
- Equipping Hour: Thanatology, part 1
- 10 Principles to Consider in Patterns of Sin
- Fostering Faithfulness: Celebrating and considering outreach opportunities towards foster children
- I Have Cancer, Now What?, part 2
- I Have Cancer, Now What?, part 1
- Equipping Hour: Evangelism 101, part 4
- Equipping Hour: Evangelism 101, part 3
- Equipping Hour: Proverbs 31 Woman, part 3
- Equipping Hour: Proverbs 31 Woman, part 2
- Equipping Hour: Proverbs 31 Woman, part 1
- Equipping Hour: Evangelism 101, part 2
- Equipping Hour: Evangelism 101, part 1
- Equipping Hour: Praying for Grace Bible Church NOLA
- Equipping Hour: There and back again: An update on ministry in Papua New Guinea
- Equipping Hour: Israelology, part 4
- Equipping Hour: Israelology, part 3
- Equipping Hour: Israelology, part 2
- Equipping Hour: Israelology, part 1
- Equipping Hour: The War in Israel Q&A
- Equipping Hour: The War in Israel and a Q&A
- Equipping Hour: The Christian and Reading (part 2)
- Equipping Hour: The Christian and Reading (part 1)
- Equipping Hour: Glory to God Alone
- Equipping Hour: Faith Alone
- Equipping Hour: Christ Alone
- Equipping Hour: Grace Alone
- Equipping Hour: Scripture Alone
- Equipping Hour: Mistakes Husbands Make: Lessons on Love and Leadership from Ephesians 5
- Equipping Hour: Thinking Rightly About Yourself and Your Ministry (Luke 17:7-10)
- Equipping Hour: Interview with Kris and Jill Drent
- Equipping Hour: Discerning Mental Illness, part 3
- Equipping Hour: Discerning Mental Illness, part 2
- Equipping Hour: Discerning Mental Illness, part 1
- Equipping Hour: Why Genesis Matters
- Equipping Hour: Speaking for God? - Part 4
- Equipping Hour: Speaking for God? - Part 3
- Equipping Hour: Speaking for God? - Part 2
- Equipping Hour: Speaking for God? - Part 1
- Equipping Hour: How God Used a Nobody from Nowhere with No Influence (William Carey) - Part 3
- Equipping Hour: How God Used a Nobody from Nowhere with No Influence (William Carey) - Part 2
- Equipping Hour: How God Used a Nobody from Nowhere with No Influence (William Carey) - Part 1
- Equipping Hour: Slaying Sensuality
- Equipping Hour: Interview with an Ordinary Christian: A Conversation with Dr. Michael Lee
- Equipping Hour: Faith and the Great Commission - The Book of Acts
- Equipping Hour: Revivalism
- Equipping Hour: Sanctification (Part 17 - A Book Review of True Feelings)
- Equipping Hour: Narcissus; The Allure and Deception of the Exaltation of Self
- Equipping Hour: How Did We Get Here? (Transgenderism)
- Equipping Hour: The Sin of Comparing: The Most Dangerous Sin You’ve Never Heard a Sermon About
- Equipping Hour: The Return of Christ and Coming Kingdom from the OT Prophets (Part 2 of 2)
- Equipping Hour: The Return of Christ and Coming Kingdom from the OT Prophets (Part 1 of 2)
- Equipping Hour: A Case for Pretribulational Rapture, (Part 3)
- Equipping Hour: A Case for Pretribulational Rapture, (Part 2)
- Equipping Hour: A Case for Pretribulational Rapture, (Part 1)
- Equipping Hour: The Foster Care Crisis in Arizona
- Equipping Hour: A Case for Cessationism
- Equipping Hour: An update on church planting in Papua New Guinea
- Equipping Hour: What does Acts Require Us to Believe for the Great Commission?
- Equipping Hour: Leadership Lessons from the Lives of Two Kings (Part 2)
- Equipping Hour: Leadership Lessons: Stewardship & Responsibility in light of Eternity
- Equipping Hour: Leadership Lessons from the Lives of Two Kings (Part 1)
- Equipping Hour: Out of Darkness: Interview with Tom Hout Chow, Saved By Grace From Cambodian Killing Fields
- Equipping Hour: The Duty and Blessing of a Tender Conscience
- Equipping Hour: A Biblical Perspective on Wagering, Part 2
- Equipping Hour: A Biblical Perspective on Wagering, Part 1
- Equipping Hour: Israelology, part 4
- Equipping Hour: God’s Providence in The Life of Joseph: Genesis 37-50 (Part 3 - Faith that Endures in the Face of Death)
- Equipping Hour: God’s Providence in The Life of Joseph: Genesis 37-50 (Part 2 - God's Plan to Make a Nation)
- Equipping Hour: God’s Providence in The Life of Joseph: Genesis 37-50 (Part 1 - God Sends Joseph to Egypt)
- Equipping Hour: Sanctification (Part 16 - Five Accompaniments to Sanctifying Faith)
- Equipping Hour: Sanctification (Part 15 - From Faith to Faith)
- Equipping Hour: Sanctification (Part 14 - Saving Faith Sanctifies)
- Equipping Hour: Sanctification (Part 13 - Three Inseparable Components of Sanctification)
- Equipping Hour: Biblical Theology of Sleep, Part 4
- Equipping Hour: Biblical Theology of Sleep, Part 3
- Equipping Hour: Building and Rebuilding Unity (part 4)
- Equipping Hour: Building and Rebuilding Unity (part 3)
- Equipping Hour: Building and Rebuilding Unity (part 2)
- Equipping Hour: Building and Rebuilding Unity (part 1)
- Equipping Hour: The Languages, Logistics, and Strategic Locations of Church Planting Ministry in Papua New Guinea (part 2)
- Equipping Hour: A Bible-Centered Ministry
- Equipping Hour: Doctrines of Grace, Part 5
- Equipping Hour: Doctrines of Grace, Part 4
- Equipping Hour: Doctrines of Grace, Part 3b
- Equipping Hour: Doctrines of Grace, Part 3a
- Equipping Hour: Doctrines of Grace, Part 2
- Equipping Hour: Doctrines of Grace, Part 1
- Equipping Hour: Psalm 46 - God Our Refuge
- Equipping Hour: Biblical Theology of Sleep, Part 2
- Equipping Hour: Biblical Theology of Sleep, Part 1
- Equipping Hour: The Church: God’s Age-Old Solution for the Current Age
- Equipping Hour: Sanctification (Part 12 - Advantages from Remaining Sin)
- Equipping Hour: ICR - Adam Not Apes
- Equipping Hour: Sanctification (Part 11 - Hypocrisy)
- Equipping Hour: Sanctification (Part 10 - Diagnosing Sin)
- Equipping Hour: Sanctification (Part 9 - Practical Atheism)
- Equipping Hour: Sanctification (Part 8 - Practical Atheism)
- Equipping Hour: Sanctification (Part 7 - Why Study Sin?)
- Equipping Hour: Translating Ephesians: A Task of Convictions and Conundrums
- Equipping Hour: The Languages, Logistics, and Strategic Locations of Church Planting Ministry in Papua New Guinea
- Equipping Hour: Helping Children Understand Assurance of Salvation (part 2)
- Equipping Hour: Helping Children Understand Assurance of Salvation (part 1)
- Equipping Hour: Evangelism 101 (part 2)
- Equipping Hour: Evangelism 101 (part 1)
- Equipping Hour: Sanctification (Part 6 - Sanctified by Glory)
- Equipping Hour: Sanctification (Part 5 - God’s Work My Responsibility)
- Equipping Hour: Sanctification (Part 4 - The Foundation for Holiness)
- Equipping Hour: Sanctification (Part 3 - The Priority of Holiness)
- Equipping Hour: Sanctification (Part 2 - The Priority of Holiness)
- Equipping Hour: Sanctification (Part 1 - What Is It?)
- Equipping Hour: James 4:11-17 - Displays of Arrogance/Worldly Wisdom (Part 5)
- Equipping Hour: James 4:7-10; The Only Cure for a Religiously Worldly Heart—Greater Grace (Part 4)
- Equipping Hour: James 4:1-6; Dealing with a Religiously Worldly Heart (Part 3)
- Equipping Hour: Two Wisdoms - James 3:13-18 (Part 2)
- Equipping Hour: Watch Your Speech - James 3:1-12 (Part 1)
- Equipping Hour: Biblical Doctrine of Rewards (Part 3)
- Equipping Hour: NOLA Update
- Equipping Hour: Biblical Doctrine of Rewards (Part 2)
- Equipping Hour: Biblical Doctrine of Rewards (Part 1)
- Equipping Hour: The Wonders of His Love (Part 2)
- Equipping Hour: The Wonders of His Love (Part 1)
- Equipping Hour: Blood for Clarity (Part 6 — Barriers to Perspicuity)
- Equipping Hour: Getting Reacquainted with Finisterre Vision
- Equipping Hour: Seeking God to Know His Will
- Equipping Hour: You Must Be Born Again
- Equipping Hour: The Way We Came (Part 2)
- Equipping Hour: The Way We Came (Part 1)
- Equipping Hour: Blood for Clarity (Part 5 — Obscurity Killed the Prophet)
- Equipping Hour: Blood for Clarity (Part 4 — Clarity Killed the Reformers)
- Equipping Hour: Blood for Clarity (Part 3 — How Clear is God’s Word, Really?)
- Equipping Hour: Blood for Clarity (Part 2 — How Clear is God’s Word, Really?)
- Equipping Hour: Blood for Clarity (Part 1 - Clarity Killed the Prophet)
- Equipping Hour: Salvation 101 (Part 5)
- Equipping Hour: Salvation 101 (Part 4)
- Equipping Hour: Salvation 101 (Part 3)
- Equipping Hour: Salvation 101 (Part 2)
- Equipping Hour: Salvation 101 (Part 1)
- Equipping Hour: Church Plant Informational Meeting
- Equipping Hour: Tongues and Tweets of Fire
- Equipping Hour: Counseling: The Duty and Privilege of the Local Church (Part 3)
- Equipping Hour: Counseling: The Duty and Privilege of the Local Church (Part 2)
- Equipping Hour: Counseling: The Duty and Privilege of the Local Church (Part 1)
- Equipping Hour: Geneva: A Model for Missions
- Equipping Hour: The Attraction and Danger of Rodney King Theology (Part 2)
- Equipping Hour: Promoting the Lawful Use of the Law
- Equipping Hour: The Attraction and Danger of Rodney King Theology (Part 1)
- Equipping Hour: Fear of the Lord (Part 9); Fear God Because He Is Good
- Equipping Hour: Questions & Answers with Smedly
- Equipping Hour: Revealing the Secrets of the Ice Age
- Equipping Hour: The Great and Wonderful Love of God
- Equipping Hour: Fear of the Lord (Part 8)
- Equipping Hour: Fear of the Lord (Part 7) Fear of God in Marriage
- Equipping Hour: Fear of the Lord (Part 6) Fear of Godly Men (Joash)
- Equipping Hour: Fear of the Lord (Part 5) Fear Comes from the Word
- Equipping Hour: Fear of the Lord (Part 4) What Is It?
- Equipping Hour: Fear of the Lord (Part 3) What Is It?
- Equipping Hour: Fear of the Lord (Part 2) Domestication of God
- Equipping Hour: Fear of the Lord (Part 1): Domestication of God
- Equipping Hour: God's Remedies: Rejoicing in Theocentric Solutions
- Equipping Hour: Man's Problems: Examining Hamartiological Complications
- Equipping Hour: Racism, Social Justice, and the Woke Movement (Part 6): Future Justice
- Equipping Hour: Racism, Social Justice, and the Woke Movement (Part 5): Just Ecclesiology
- Equipping Hour: Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs: A closer look at the church's call to sing from Colossians 3:16
- Equipping Hour: Racism, Social Justice, and the Woke Movement (Part 4): Myths and Misinformation
- Equipping Hour: Racism, Social Justice, and the Woke Movement (Part 3): Applying Justice
- Equipping Hour: Racism, Social Justice, and the Woke Movement (Part 2): Defining Justice
- Equipping Hour: Racism, Social Justice, and the Woke Movement (Part 1): From Whence Cometh My Clarity?
- Equipping Hour: Did God Really Say? (QandA)
- Equipping Hour: Did God Really Say? (Part 8)
- Equipping Hour: Did God Really Say? (Part 7)
- Equipping Hour: Did God Really Say? (Part 6)
- Equipping Hour: Did God Really Say? (Part 5)
- Equipping Hour: Did God Really Say? (Part 4)
- Equipping Hour: Did God Really Say? (Part 3)
- Equipping Hour: Did God Really Say? (Part 2)
- Equipping Hour: Did God Really Say? (Part 1)
- Equipping Hour: Embracing God's Design for Marriage (Part 3)
- Equipping Hour: Embracing God's Design for Marriage (Part 2)
- Equipping Hour: Embracing God's Design for Marriage (Part 1)
- Equipping Hour: Cambodian Church History
- Equipping Hour: The Growth of Faith in a Faithful God
- Equipping Hour: The Life of Jonathan Edwards
- Equipping Hour: Duties of Parents (Part 2)
- Equipping Hour: Duties of Parents (Part 1)
- Equipping Hour: What is Sin? An Introduction to Hamartiology (Part 3)
- Equipping Hour: What is Sin? An Introduction to Hamartiology (Part 2)
- Equipping Hour: What is Sin? An Introduction to Hamartiology (Part 1)
- Equipping Hour: What Kind of Man is This? Reflections on the Deity of Christ
- Equipping Hour: Holding on to Eternal Security (Part 3)
- Equipping Hour: Holding on to Eternal Security (Part 2)
- Equipping Hour: Holding on to Eternal Security (Part 1)
- Equipping Hour: Overcoming Millennial Madness (Part 3)
- Equipping Hour: Overcoming Millennial Madness (Part 2)
- Equipping Hour: Overcoming Millennial Madness (Part 1)
- Equipping Hour: Doxological Counseling (Part 6): Sanctification’s Sincerity: Heart-Shepherding as Worship
- Equipping Hour: Doxological Counseling (Part 5): Sanctification’s Sincerity: When is Change Worship?
- Equipping Hour: Doxological Counseling (Part 4): The Role of Faith in Worship
- Equipping Hour: Doxological Counseling (Part 3): The Gospel and Worship
- Equipping Hour: Doxological Counseling (Part 2): Worship: A Trinitarian Priority
- Equipping Hour: Doxological Counseling (Part 1): Preparing to Worship
- Equipping Hour: Bibliology (Part 5)
- Equipping Hour: Bibliology (Part 4)
- Equipping Hour: Bibliology (Part 3)
- Equipping Hour: Bibliology (Part 2)
- Equipping Hour: Bibliology (Part 1)
- Equipping Hour: Colossians – Since We Heard: What the Book of Colossians Teaches Us About Evangelism
- Equipping Hour: Job – Lessons from the Scenes of Suffering (Part 6)
- Equipping Hour: Job – Lessons from the Scenes of Suffering (Part 5)
- Equipping Hour: Job – Lessons from the Scenes of Suffering (Part 4)
- Equipping Hour: Job – Lessons from the Scenes of Suffering (Part 3)
- Equipping Hour: Job – Lessons from the Scenes of Suffering (Part 2)
- Equipping Hour: Job – Lessons from the Scenes of Suffering (Part 1)
- Equipping Hour: Papua New Guinea Presentation
Digging Deepers
- May 16, 2019
- April 18, 2019
- April 4, 2019
- March 21, 2019
- January 24, 2019
- January 10, 2019
- December 13, 2018
- November 29, 2018
- November 15, 2018
- November 1, 2018
- May 3, 2018
- April 19, 2018
- April 5, 2018
- March 22, 2018
- March 8, 2018
- February 22, 2018
- December 14, 2017
- November 30, 2017
- November 16, 2017
- November 2, 2017
- October 19, 2017
- October 5, 2017
- September 21, 2017
- July 13, 2017
- June 29, 2017
- June 15, 2017
- June 1, 2017
- May 18, 2017
- May 4, 2017
- April 20, 2017
- April 6, 2017
- March 23, 2017
- March 9, 2017
- February 23, 2017
- February 9, 2017
- January 26, 2017
- January 12, 2017
- December 15, 2016
- December 1, 2016
- November 17, 2016
- November 3, 2016
- October 20, 2016
- October 6, 2016
- September 22, 2016
- September 8, 2016
- May 3, 2016
- April 19, 2016
- April 5, 2016
- March 22, 2016
- February 23, 2016
- January 26, 2016
- January 12, 2016
- December 1, 2015
- May 29, 2014
- May 15, 2014
- May 1, 2014
- April 17, 2014
- April 3, 2014
- March 20, 2014
- February 27, 2014
- February 13, 2014
- January 16, 2014
- December 12, 2013
- November 14, 2013
- October 31, 2013
- October 17, 2013
- October 3, 2013
- September 19, 2013
- September 5, 2013
- August 22, 2013
- August 8, 2013 - Pictures of Shepherding - Philippians 2:25-30
- July 25, 2013
- July 11, 2013
- June 27, 2013
- June 13, 2013
- May 30, 2013
- May 16, 2013
- May 2, 2013
- April 18, 2013
- April 4, 2013
- March 21, 2013
Smallgroup Messages
Student Ministries
Young Adults (414)s
- June 18, 2021 - Household Standards for Stewards
- June 4, 2021: The Specificity of God's Obligatory, Temporal Care from the Church
- May 21, 2021 - On Caring for Widows (Part 3)
- May 7, 2021 - On Caring for Widows (Part 2)
- April 23, 2021 - On Caring for Widows (Part 1)
- April 9, 2021
- March 26, 2021
- March 12, 2021
- February 27, 2021 - Forsaking the Family
- January 29, 2021 - What God's Household Must Consider
- January 22, 2021 - Leadership for a Properly Functioning Church (part 2)
- December 12, 2020 - Leadership for a Properly Functioning Church (part 1)
- November 20, 2020 - The Faltering Faith of a Faithful Man
- November 6, 2020 - Church Wide Engagement in War Time Work
- September 18, 2020 - Properly Wielding the Weapon of Prayer
- September 4, 2020 - Paul's Instructive Autobiography
- August 21, 2020 - Promoting the Lawful Use of the Law
- August 7, 2020 - Impediments and Aids to Piety (part 2)
- July 24, 2020 - Impediments and Aids to Piety (part 1)
- July 10, 2020 Instructions for False Teachers
- June 26, 2020 - Divinely Rooted Realities for Advancing Local Church Ministry
- June 12, 2020 - 1 Timothy: Ecclesiology for Piety-Produced Love
- March 6, 2020 - Four Aids for Unwavering Discipleship
- February 21, 2020 - Living Wisely with the Time We Have
- January 24, 2020 - Exercising Wisdom with Our Emotions
- December 6, 2019 - Wisdom and Decision Making (part 2)
- November 22, 2019 - Wisdom and Decision Making (part 1)
- November 8, 2019 - Wisdom and Pursuing Marriage
- October 25, 2019 - Wisdom and Receiving Instruction
- October 11, 2019 - Wisdom and Finances
- September 27, 2019 - Wisdom and Pursuing Marriage
- September 13, 2019 - Wisdom and Relationships
- August 30, 2019 - Wisdom and Holiness
- August 2, 2019 - Wisdom and God
Special Events
- Women's Conference 2023: The Call to Speak
- Women's Conference 2023: The Truth to Speak
- Women's Conference 2023: The Confidence to Speak
- Women's Conference 2023: Q&A
- Women's Pre-Conference 2023: Q & A with Omri and Emily Miles
- Women's Pre-Conference 2023: Encouragement Breakout
- Women's Pre-Conference 2023: Evangelism Breakout
- Women's Pre-Conference 2023: Scripture Memory Breakout
- Women's Conference 2022: Q & A
- Women's Conference 2022: Trusting God
- Women's Conference 2022: Keeping Your Balance, Part 2
- Women's Conference 2022: Keeping Your Balance, Part 1
- Women's Conference 2021: Killing Anxiety
- Women's Conference 2021: Killing Sinful Fear
- Women's Conference 2021: Distracted by Worry
- Women's Conference 2021: What's So Wicked About Anxiety
- Women's Conference 2019: Motivated to Run
- Women's Conference 2019: Equipped to Respond
- Women's Conference 2019: Called to Endure (With Joy!)
- Women's Conference 2019: Suffering’s Place in God’s Great Plan
- Women's Retreat 2018: Citizens of Heaven
- Women's Retreat 2018: The Focus of Heaven, Questions about Heaven
- Women's Retreat 2018: The Location of Heaven, The Architecture of Heaven, The Activities of Heaven
- Women's Retreat 2018: Misconceptions about Heaven, The Vocabulary of Heaven, The Duration of Heaven
- Reformation Conference: Session 3, Jon Anderson
- Reformation Conference: Session 2, Massimo Mollica
- Reformation Conference: Session 1, Scott Maxwell
- Creation Conference: Session 2, Institute for Creation Research, Randy Guliuzza
- Creation Conference: Session 1, Institute for Creation Research, Tim Clary
- Women's Retreat 2016: Prayer and the Body of Christ (II Thessalonians 1:11-12)
- Women's Retreat 2016: Prayer and Common Questions/Misconceptions
- Women's Retreat 2016: Prayer and the Distraught Soul (Psalm 42)
- Women's Retreat 2016: Prayer and the Instruction of Christ (Matthew 6:9-13)
- Women's Retreat 2016: Prayer and the Sovereignty of God (Daniel 9:1-19)
- Women's Conference 2015: No Longer Strangers (Luke 6:27-28)
- Women's Conference 2015: No Longer Strangers (Ephesians 4:32)
- Women's Conference 2015: No Longer Strangers (Proverbs 28:13)
- Women's Conference 2015: No Longer Strangers (Ephesians 4:1-3)
- Women's Conference 2015: No Longer Strangers (Ephesians 2:11-22)
- Men's Conference 2014: Knowing the Spirit Who Changes Everything, Session 4
- Men's Conference 2014: Knowing the Spirit Who Changes Everything, Session 3
- Men's Conference 2014: Knowing the Spirit Who Changes Everything, Session 2
- Men's Conference 2014: Knowing the Spirit Who Changes Everything, Session 1
- Women's Retreat 2014: Putting Discernment in Its Place
- Women's Retreat 2014: Discerning Books (and Blogs)
- Women's Retreat 2014: The Fallacy of “Finding” God’s Will
- Women's Retreat 2014: Some Basics on Wisdom
- Women's Retreat 2014: Days That Demand Discernment
- Women's Retreat 2013: The Triumph of Faith
- Women's Retreat 2013: Practical Steps for Dealing with Doubt
- Women's Retreat 2013: A Testimony of God’s Grace
- Women's Retreat 2013: Dissecting Doubt
- Women's Retreat 2013: Faith, Hope, and Love in the Midst of Trial
- Women's Retreat 2012: A Revelation with Uncommon Reliability
- Women's Retreat 2012: A Woman with Uncommon Ministry in the Face of Lies
- Women's Retreat 2012: A Woman of Uncommon Pace in the Face of Lies
- Women's Retreat 2012: A Woman of Uncommon Supply in the Face of Lies
- Women's Retreat 2012: A Woman of Uncommon Gifting in the Face of Lies
- Women's Retreat 2011: Colossians 3:18-4:18 - Christ on Display
- Women's Retreat 2011: Colossians 3:1-17 - All for Christ!
- Women's Retreat 2011: Colossians 2 - Complete in Christ
- Women's Retreat 2011: Colossians 1 - The Christ-Centered Life
- Women's Retreat 2010: Mining the Riches of God’s Word, Session 4
- Women's Retreat 2010: Mining the Riches of God’s Word, Session 3
- Women's Retreat 2010: Mining the Riches of God’s Word, Session 2
- Women's Retreat 2010: Mining the Riches of God’s Word, Session 1
- Women's Retreat 2009: Hope For Any Circumstance
- Women's Retreat 2009: Panel Discussion
- Women's Retreat 2009: Our Hope for the Future
- Women's Retreat 2009: Hope’s Source
- Women's Retreat 2008: Titus 3
- Women's Retreat 2008: Titus 2:3-5
- Women's Retreat 2008: Titus 2:11-15
- Women's Retreat 2008: Introduction and Chapter One
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