Membership: Classes Upcoming

Jacob Hantla September 18, 2010

Over the next few Sundays, you will hear announcement regarding church membership classes upcoming. On December 5, we will have a special membership and baptism service. With so many new attenders coming to the church lately, formal church membership is an excellent way to communicate to unified commitment and doctrinal agreement to each other together.

Church membership classes, a prerequisite to church membership, will be held on the following Sundays at 8:15-9:45 AM in the cheer room at Valley Christian:

  • October 17
  • October 24
  • October 31
  • November 7

If you are interested in baptism, the prerequisite two courses will be held in the same location on

  • November 14
  • November 21

You may want to know more about why Grace Bible Church views formal church membership (instead of informal church membership) as important. We can summarize the reason as follows, but I encourage you to check back to the elder blog in the days to come for a more in depth explanation:

The elders of GBC view formal church membership as a tool by which the elders intend to remove assumptions and reinforce unity on important biblical matters of church doctrine and life.

If you are interested in attending or learning more please contact the church office view email, phone (480-968-6085), or by dropping a card in the offering box. Feel free to contact any of the elders for more info as well.